Twinnies Love the Snow ~ By Gabby Angel

Another fun and happy “Twin Memory”.  This memory keeps fluttering about in my mind. Just begging to be written and told! I can’t resist, so here we go it’s really almost winter after all, right?

Autumn and I were about 10 years old and this is one of my fondest memories of snow and winter fun. We were in school, 5th grade as I recall. My, we sure cherished those days when it snowed heaps and heaps. This meant school was cancelled and we had a snow day at home, Yay! By now there was 3 little sisters in our household, youngest little sister only 1 year old. Well, she woudn’t be playing in the snow that was certain. The other 2 little sisters aged 5 and 61/2 were jumping with joy to accompy us!

Dad had taken the day off work, too. Autumn and I knew we would have some serious snow creations with Dad’s help. 🙂 Also, knowing he would keep those little sisters in check and not wrecking our things. 😉 We loved them both, but we had some grand ideas brewing! Mom helped bundle up the 2 little sisters, we got ourselves ready and Dad called out “Ready for some snow fun?” Out the door we went, we were blessed with a very huge backyard. So much snow awaited us, where would be begin?

Dad got the little sisters started on “baby snowmen” and Autumn and I started our own. We were going to make a “snow people family”! We all were finishing up when, oh no youngest little sister got a shove and landed face first in a snow pile! 😦 Oops, and it wasn’t a twinnie that did it either. Yes, I know what you all were thinking! It was the other little sis, how refreshing to see them in trouble for a change and not us. 😉 Off they got sent back to the house with Mom, to dry off and get warm.

Yay! We had Dad to ourselves and now, some snow fort building could happen, too! We all worked together and quickly had our fort built. Dad was simply awesome at this snow and helping Autumn and I create! 🙂 Everyone was all smiles, admiring our hard work and ever so cool snow fort. Autumn and I were prancing in and out of it, pretending it was our secret getaway.

Then Oops again, I was out of the fort first, Autumn after me. Well, that bold twinnie slide snow down my collar and nailed me with a snowball! I just had to retailate and off we were, with things getting just a bit out of hand. By then, we were tired, cold, wet and getting huffy at each other. Poor Dad to the rescue, what fun for him breaking up that twinnie snow battle. I have to add neither of us were injured, but Dad had really had enough!  He herded us out of the yard and back to the house in no time flat. Once inside another lecture for the twinnies, “I’m sorrys” and big hugs for each other. We never, ever could stay made with one another for long! 🙂

Mom shook her head smiling and sent us too ur room to change into dry clothes with a promise of hot cocoa with marshmallows. 🙂 We were back in no time flat, happily chatting and sipping hot cocoa with the 2 little sisters and our parents. Snow adventure for the day over and looking forward for the next one! 🙂 🙂

12 thoughts on “Twinnies Love the Snow ~ By Gabby Angel

  1. I was always so jealous of snow day as a child – growing up on the coast in England meant that snow was very rare, and usually only happened for a couple of hours every few years, and never stuck. I remember watching an episode of The Simpsons where Bart gets out of school thanks to a heavy snowfall, and that day I loathed every kid lucky enough to be born in a place it snowed reguarly!

    Now, we get more snow. Last year the whole town froze, and because the council weren’t prepared for it, it was hellish. Nobody could drive or walk anywhere, pipes cracked, people got injured… we’re rubbish at dealing with weather in the UK.

    • Thanks for stopping in and taking the time to read this. 🙂 I can’t blame you for being jealous of kids who had snow days. To be honest, I used to love those days, now snow and cold weather doesn’t thrill me too much. That is a shame about the whole town freezing when you got snow, it would be pretty awful. The Simpson episode about Bart getting a snow day made me laugh, thank you! 🙂

    • Thanks so much for reading this and liking it. 🙂 Snow is beautiful! I have to be honest though, I don’t feel as compelled to play in it these days. Although I did enjoy making some snow angels and snowmen last year.

  2. Hot cocoa is a family tradition with us almost year round. I’d thought I would comment, mainly because I have twin boys (age 9) and it is always nice to meet other multiples. Hear, hear to a mug raised steaming with hot yummy cocoa and warm memories. Peace.

    • Thanks for stopping by and also leaving a comment. That is so exciting to hear you have twin boys! 🙂 I hope your twins will always be blessed in staying as close as my twin sister Autumn and I are. 9 years old, that is a fun age and I bet they keep you plenty busy, too! Have fun making plenty of “twin memories”! 🙂

    • Thank you so much for stopping in, I appreciate you reading this. I have to agree with you, snow is much more fun as a kid. It is very pretty to look at, to watch the flakes falling from the warm house! 🙂

  3. Hi Gabby,
    What a fun, “cool” story! 🙂 My parents had a cabin when I was little, so I remember fun times in the snow, too. We weren’t snow skiers, but we tobogganed. My sister still has the old toboggan! Thanks for sharing. I’d love to go to the snow, but we don’t get there often! 🙂

    • Hi Lauren! I am so glad you enjoyed this one. 🙂 That is nice you got to experience the snow and your sister still has the old toboggan. Neither Autumn or I ski either, the thought is scary! We, too loved sledding, tobogganing and a bit of ice skating.

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