Where we’ve been …

We have been away from blogging over three and a half months this time around. Little did either of us know what these three months would hold, it has been scary, sad and life changing. Lessons learned and circumstances we are choosing not to share at this time. Please, understand this is not meant to be rude, uncaring or unfeeling to any of you still reading. Life is precious and short and health, family and love are definitely first…Always.  We both want to say we have missed you kind readers and friends and truly appreciate you all and how we were welcomed in this blogging world. With all that has gone on and is still happening, we both have agreed that we are very uncertain about returning to Word Press. All we as “Twins Forever” want you all to know that if we are unable to return is… Thank You to each and every one of you for taking the time to read our words and get to know us. God Bless you all…


Hugs from Autumn and Gabby

16 thoughts on “Where we’ve been …

    • Sherline we have missed you, too and hope you are doing well. Thank you so much for the kind and encouraging words to us. It means so much more than we can say. God Bless you, too our Twinnie Friend! Gabby and Autumn

  1. Hi Twinnies,

    I just saw this and had to comment..I want you to know that I think of you both often and I’m sad to read you may not return. However, you know that I agree…health, family, life and love come first. Just know you both continue to hold a place in my heart, as I have truly valued our blogging friendship. You can always email me if you feel like talking or venting. I’m here. You have also been in my prayers and will remain…sending you much love and many, many hugs…Lauren xoxox

    • Lauren, we both think of you often, too…Your kind words are so heartfelt and mean the world to us both. We so agree about valuing our blogging friendship, you are so special to us and also so real. It’s been a rough time for sure, and we don’t want you to be sad if we can’t return. Hoping to get an email to you soon and thank you so much for keeping us in your prayers. We both keep you and your family in ours, always. Much love and many hugs back to you. Gabby and Autumn xoxox

  2. It was so lovely to hear from you girls again. 🙂 Sorry to read though you’ve been going through such testing times.
    I too have been away from blogging for almost six months now … my health has been so poor, but hoping one day to be well enough to continue.
    I really do hope that you don’t decide to totally give up on your blogging – that would be such a shame.
    Whatever you do decideI hope that life turns out well for you both and that life is kinder to you in the future.

    • We are both so very sorry to hear about your poor health and will keep you in our prayers…Hoping, too you are well enough to keep on with blogging and all very soon. Thank you for such kind and genuine words about what’s been going on with us, testing times they are. It means a lot to both of us for your support and thoughts for a kinder tomorrow in our lives. At a time like this your words are truly very much appreciated…Gabby and Autumn

    • Thank you so much for your kindness and such comforting words and also in taking the time. It means so much to the both of us and it’s greatly appreciated. Gabby and Autumn

    • We both so appreciate your thoughtful, kind and caring words at this time in our lives. It means more than we can express I’m sure…Thank you for being so considerate because it really makes a difference. Gabby and Autumn xxx

  3. I’ve missed you both. I’ve been checking on your blogs to make sure I haven’t missed anything. I was wondering and hoping all was okay. Thank you so much, for easing my mind and letting us know, that you are taking some personal time. It is needed. I wish you both well. Positive hopes that you both will return. It sadens me to think you may not return, but I am happy still, to have been able to meet and connect with you both. Much love and hugs to you and your family. xo

    • We’ve missed you, too Amber and we’re so sorry to have worried you. Thanks so much for taking your time to write us, it really means so much to the both of us. Life sure steps in and please do forgive us for making you have concern. We both so appreciate you and also your kind words and thoughtfulness for us both. Thank you for wishing us well and please know, that of course we do the same for you. We aren’t sure at this time if we will be returning, only time will tell and all we can say for now is…We really do need time away. It was wonderful meeting you and connecting with you also. Love and hugs back to you…Gabby and Autumn xo

  4. We all need that time away at times. I also have stepped back in the Blog O Spere. I will still be posting “Candid Canon” as pictures are truly a 1,000 words.
    I also want to wish you both many wonderful happenings in your life.
    There is no withdrawal there is plenty to read in your archives 🙂
    You are loved 🙂

    • We are both so glad to know that you understand Cynthia. Thanks so much for your lovely, kind and uplifting words…They mean more to us than we can say. We all do really need time away, happy to hear you are doing just that with your blogging if it’s needed. We wish you wonderful happenings in your life, too and send you love…Gabby and Autumn

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