Happy National Fairy Day

Wow, those cute little fairies have their own special day! 🙂 Yes indeed, those magical fairies that Autumn loves to write about and honor, Yay! The fairies are dancing and twirling and just plain honored at this special day made for them all I hear. Autumn is one happy Twinnie today, she has been smiling and celebrating like crazy…You would have thought she designated the day herself! 😉

For all who just love those fairies, from Tinkerbell to all the fairies in the whole world will embrace this day! 🙂 I know I do and I really love fairies and yes, I do clap because I believe in them…You already know Autumn claps, too! Remember that line in the movie Peter Pan…Clap your hands if you believe in fairies. I hope you are all clapping, clap harder if you can kind readers so we can hear you! 😉 🙂

It’s too much fun, I keep smiling myself just thinking about it, because it’s such a lovely idea. I’m not sure how it all started, who started it and all but did they ever designate one awesome day. The fairies pave the way for everyone to smile, maybe dance and just love all things magical, mystical and mysterious! We have our Fairy Godmother, the garden fairies, the fairies come in all sizes, too! We have the fairies who do this and that, whatever you may need  and guard and protect. I don’t want us to forget the much-needed Tooth Fairy… Flying here and there. She collects all those precious baby teeth that are lovingly placed under pillows, put in trinket boxes and all and money is left behind to make the little boys and girls content at parting with those baby teeth. So many wonderful and happy things all these fairies do! Bestowing amazing things and magical acts…Autumn has told me all about them so I know these things, Yay Autumn! 🙂

Fairies have their own day, they sure do need to be celebrated and we Twinnies are embracing the day and overjoyed. Make a wish, it just may come true today of all days…It doesn’t hurt to give it a whirl! Oh, Autumn reminded me to tell you…Don’t you dare forget to clap because the fairies have to know you certainly do believe! 🙂 🙂

Where the Fairy lives

So very tiny and small

fairies aren’t tall at all

so it’s a perfect fit

look how pretty it’s lit

everything is pocket-size

no surprise

a fairy so sure

her magic is pure

time to turn and look

at the little house by the flowing brook

a fairy lives there

with not one care

she flies around

the magic grounds

see how high she goes

she wiggles her toes

swooping in for a landing, she is home …


Please visit my collection of poems and stories, quotes and blogs

A Fairies World

A magic world

a happy twirl

love unfurled

Dandelion fluff

and other stuff

Fairies live in places small

that’s all

they don’t require much space

barely a trace

they fly around

the magic grounds

leaving sunshine as they go

they seem to always know

who needs the love the most

they never boast

at the wonder

or the thunder

it’s just part of a fairies magic world …


Please visit my collection of poems and stories, quotes and blogs

The Leprechaun ~ by Autumn Sunshine

In the meadow lives a leprechaun so small

he stands guard sometimes, and feels quite tall

a solitary being wearing red

and it’s also been said

it all depends you see

wearing green is another way to be …

he has a pot of gold

so all sorts of  tales are told

by many who feel so bold

Irish through and through

it’s a story which is true

Many types of magic folk

the sprite, the fairy, and the water nymph

hmmmm, what do you think ?

A mystery for  sure

is it true or only folk lore ?

Close your eyes and make a wish

you may see a mist

and hear a sound

open your eyes to the magic …