I still can’t Comment :( ~ by Autumn ~PLEASE READ THIS

I wanted to let you all know PLUS check your spam.  That is where my comments are still going 😦  I am trying to be patient, and nothing has gotten fixed by Word Press yet.

Anyway, just so everyone knows if you find a comment from me in spam, take it out, I will then be able to post a comment on your blog.  Don’t ask me why this works, but it’s turning into a nightmare 😦

I still don’t understand, I can comment on my own blog, but no one else’s! It has to be Akismet .

If and when I can every comment again, I will never stop 🙂



I need HELP!! Written by Autumn

Hi Everyone,

I am unable to leave ANYONE a comment. I type the comment, and hit the comment button and it just will disappear 😦

I just wanted you all to know, I am one that does leave comments, and this is very frustrating. I have written to Word Press to try and get some help, no answer yet 😦

Did anyone ever have this problem? Please give me advice if you did 🙂

I can “like” a post, that is all. Just know that I will be back and commenting as always as soon as I get this straightened out.



The Twinnies Are Finally Back and It’s 2013!

Well, it’s been  about five months now since we’ve been away… And this time was so very much-needed by both of us Twinnies. Some of it was spent on vacation time of course. Camping and enjoying the mountains where it is so peaceful was so wonderful. The rest of the time was spent doing some serious rest and relaxation with each of us doing our own things.

I would love to report that we jaunted off to Italy and all over the globe, but alas we stayed right here in the US. It’s been over a year now since Autumn and I have been on Word Press and we honestly do love blogging and interacting with all of you. You kind readers and friends really are the best, we appreciate you all so much never doubt it! However, it’s also a sometimes draining and exhausting thing trying to write everyday, visit blogs and all.

Life gets too busy and time is so short. We had some not very good  things going on in our family that made blogging even more difficult, too. Our Mom was having some health issues and is still not quite her best yet. Several other personal things really did also take over and put blogging on the back burner. I guess it’s not necessary to get into all of it, it all was just very hectic and it still is to some degree. So, it really was good and important for Autumn and I to take some time for ourselves just so we didn’t become too tired, stressed and burned out. We Twinnies hope you all will be understanding and we do promise to try our best to get back in the swing of things, we have missed you all. We both sure really do admire you who do post everyday and sometimes numerous posts as well. Unfortunately these Twinnies can’t promise to do this, but we will be here as often as humanly possible! Hopefully more often than not, we’ll quite honestly just have to see how it all goes and thanks for bearing with us.

Thank you again so very much to all of you kind readers and friends for sticking with us and we send lots of love, hugs and all the very best vibes out to every one of you! Autumn and Gabby 🙂 🙂

Beautiful Blog Award

We both want to thank Soma for the award, we are honoured and happy 🙂 http://somkritya.wordpress.com/  Soma, has a super fun blog, go check it out 🙂

Instructions for the award:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award

2. Paste the award on your blog

3. Link the person who nominated you for the award

4. Nominate 7 bloggers or less

5. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominated

We nominate the following bloggers for this award:

PJ  http://poeticjourney251.com/

Lauren http://lscotthoughts.com/

Jaded Heart http://jadedstone11.wordpress.com/

Abby’s Mom http://imexcited.wordpress.com/

Michael  http://jamesdez.wordpress.com/

Michelle http://seekingjoyfulsimplicity.wordpress.com/

Nicole http://bareyournakedtruth.wordpress.com/

Congrats to Everyone 🙂 and Thanks again to Soma 🙂

The ABC Award

Oh my goodness!! We’d like to thank  http://nightshade130.wordpress.com/ ~ Sherline/Nightshade, for this honor.  What a surprise this is, Sherline is simply wonderful a super friend 🙂 We both want to say Thank YOU, so much!!!

This one is simple – to ‘accept’ the award you just add the ABC Award logo to your blog –and then you share something about yourself with your readers and then pass the award on to other worthy bloggers – there’s no limit to how few – or how many – other bloggers you can send this to.

To share something about yourself – you will need to go through the alphabet and choose a word or phrase for each letter and use that to describe yourself – it might be something about you, something you like, or a place or thing you dream about. And that’s all – no long descriptions or detail – just create a new post, add your shiny new blog award badge and alphabet words and let your readers enjoy finding out a little more about you.

Here’s our alphabet about ourselves:












 Fashion loving 😉








 just us














qualified 🙂








 Uber cool


 very much twins or TF ❤




 X tra super!





Here are the bloggers we nominate 🙂

Lori ~ http://loriannfranks.wordpress.com/

Soma ~http://somkritya.wordpress.com/

Jaded Heart ~ http://jadedstone11.wordpress.com/

Russell ~ http://russellmazonde.wordpress.com/

Russell ~ http://ecstaticeclectica.com/

Lauren ~ http://lscotthoughts.com/

Answer 10 BURNING Questions

I’ve been tagged by my friend Russell at http://ecstaticeclectica.com/ to answer ten questions.

1) Describe yourself in seven words.

A Twin, Kind, Compassionate, Cute, Loyal, Sensitive

2) What keeps you up at Night?

Thinking way too much!

3) Who would I like to be?

I only want to be me!

4) What am I wearing right now?

Tunic and Leggings

5)What scares me?

Mean people who have no heart!

6) The best and worst of blogging.

The best: Meeting so many wonderful people and making good friends. The worst: Worrying if my post will be well received.

7) The last website I visited


8) What is the one thing I would change about myself.

Nothing, I am quite happy being me.

9) Slankets yes or no?

Yes!! I own one and have given them as gifts. Slankets are the best. Nothing beats those blankets with sleeves for staying warm!

10) Tell us something about the person who tagged you!

10.Russell Smith tagged me. He is honestly one of the best photographers ever, his talent is amazing! A very kind and caring guy…Check out his blog please, Right Now!! 🙂

Now I get to pick some others to answer these questions:

http://poeticjourney251.wordpress.com/ ~ PJ

http://lscotthoughts.com/ ~Lauren

http://nightshade130.wordpress.com/ ~Sherline

http://loriannfranks.wordpress.com/ ~Lori

http://somkritya.wordpress.com/ ~ Soma

Genuine Blogger Award

Gabby and I are so flattered and grateful, thanks to http://nightshade130.wordpress.com/ and to http://jamesdez.wordpress.com/ for nominating us.  What an honor this is, we say “Thank YOU”

The good news about this award is, there are absolutely no rules. We would like to present this award to the following bloggers :


















One lovely blog award

Wow, Gabby and I have been nominated for this lovely award from our dear friend and fellow blogger, http://somkritya.wordpress.com/ , what a nice surprise!! Thank you so much, Soma.

There are no rules to how many one can nominate so go ahead and spread love and warmth 🙂

We nominate:
















Congrats, everyone!!! Hugs, Autumn and Gabby

2011 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 22,000 times in 2011. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 8 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

Candle Lighter Award

Candle Lighter Award

Read more about this award by Kate Kresse

Gabby and I are grateful and shocked 🙂 and a huge Thank YOU to PJ!!!   http://poeticjourney251.wordpress.com/

This award belongs to those who believe, who always Survive the day and those who never stop Dreaming, for those who cannot quit, for those who keep trying and if you are in that catergory you are Entitled to this Award.

I nominate the following bloggers that fit this profile and I believe you’ll enjoy reading their blogs:

http://ciderpress.wordpress.com/ ~ William Lawson

http://loriannfranks.wordpress.com/  ~ Lori

http://jadedstone11.wordpress.com/ ~ Jaded Heart

http://russellmazonde.wordpress.com/~ Russell

http://jamesdez.wordpress.com ~ Michael

http://thewomanatthewell.wordpress.com/ ~ WATW

http://debbie915631.wordpress.com/ ~ Debbie

http://versenotprose.wordpress.com ~ Catcher of the Stars

http://belleofthecarnival.com ~ Belle

http://zendictive.wordpress.com ~Art

http://terri0729.wordpress.com ~Teri

I listed you all in random order 🙂

Congrats to all and Happy Holidays!!!