I still can’t Comment :( ~ by Autumn ~PLEASE READ THIS

I wanted to let you all know PLUS check your spam.  That is where my comments are still going 😦  I am trying to be patient, and nothing has gotten fixed by Word Press yet.

Anyway, just so everyone knows if you find a comment from me in spam, take it out, I will then be able to post a comment on your blog.  Don’t ask me why this works, but it’s turning into a nightmare 😦

I still don’t understand, I can comment on my own blog, but no one else’s! It has to be Akismet .

If and when I can every comment again, I will never stop 🙂



Quotes About Being Yourself ~ by Gabby

This was something I was thinking about after talking with someone I know, only as an acquaintance. Sadly, she is never quite being herself and I do feel sorry for her. Always changing and rearranging herself, it seems so totally exhausting. After all, we do need to be comfortable in our own skins and just be ourselves! As for Autumn and me, well we Twinnies are 100% ourselves at all times. Guess I really didn’t need to say that, since you all already must know this since it is clearly obvious! Needless to say, all this thinking sent me on a search for quotes about being yourself. I did find some wonderful ones and am hoping you kind readers will enjoy reading them! 🙂
1. To be yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting~E. E. Cummings
2.Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else~Judy Garland
3.Don’t forget that your spirit-twinkle makes life’s rainbow shine bright~Terri Guillements
4.Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind~Dr. Seuss
5.You were born an original. Don’t die a copy~John Mason
6.Why try to be someone you’re not? Life is hard enough without adding impersonation to the skills required~Robert Brault
7.The white light streams down to be broken up by those human prisms into all the colors of the rainbow. Take your own color in the pattern and be just that~Charles R. Brown
8.He who trims himself to suit everyone else will soon whittle himself away~Raymond Hull
9.Individualism is rather like innocence. There must be something unconscious about it~Louis Kroneberger
10.Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it~Buddha

Whispers ~ by Autumn

Whispers on the winds of time

often without reason or rhyme

Floating around

not making a sound

Is it magic at play

or just winds gone astray?

Listen and learn

there are pages to turn

You hear what you will

and wonder still

Was the message clear

do you hold it so near

Take time as I say

and learn what you may

Whispering winds tell

their secrets so well …


Mistaken Identity Strikes Again~ Written By Gabby

I wrote a post a number of months  ago about a guy thinking I was Autumn’s and my sister S. Well, that was a weird and unusual happening since she is 9 years younger than us Twinnies. Also, because he was so persistent about me being sister S until I proved by my ID I wasn’t. That one sure left me shaking my head about people being rather intrusive and just annoying.

This time around, and I still can’t believe it happened again honestly and why me?! This biker guy really did think I was Autumn, he was one of her old boyfriends, too. I was as always minding my own business and leaving a store, in the parking lot and getting into my car. All of a sudden and much to my surprise a guy on a nice Harley cruised up along side my car and getting so close. OMG I was thinking, why is this guy kind of cutting me off from leaving and if I opened my car door to get in I would bump into his Harley. Then I thought… Who in the heck is he, what does he want anyway? Once he took off his helmet I realized it was B, who was way back when one of Autumn’s boyfriends.I should have known, who else would be brave (or foolish) enough to be out cruising about on a Harley in the wintertime?

His greeting made me disgusted which was “How are you pretty lady? Hey, but here you are!” I seriously don’t like that kind of boldness either and think it’s pretty tacky. This made me remember how taken B was with Autumn and kind of over taken, if you know what I’m saying.

I hadn’t known he had moved back to our little hometown, oh but Yay and wait until dear Twinnie heard this news. The funny part is, I was heading over to her house after I left the store so I could tell her very soon! Back to B and his chatting that was getting so on my nerves, before I start digressing. I did inform him right away that oops, but he was speaking to the wrong twin! He did remember me, being with my husband Dave of course and he did extend his sympathies over my loss.

Oh no, now he was looking disappointed as he went on to ask all about Autumn…B really kind of never got over her to hear him tell it. I had a silent chuckle on how I would tease her, because I was sure going to! Leave it to Autumn and our little sister S, they had the way of making these guys never forget them…Those two girls were just plain heartbreakers, weren’t they? But, why did I have to keep running into them?

B was wanting to know if Autumn was single, where did she live and on he went…Sorry I had to be the bearer of bad news. B took the news downright pitifully about her engagement and impending wedding. Thankfully he dropped asking where she lived. I sure was getting way too much information about their old romance, here I thought I had known the whole story, too! According to B, he would hope to see Autumn again since he was divorced and back living in our town…Good luck Autumn! I finally gracefully got away and headed for that Twinnie’s house. I must tell you I kept checking the rearview mirror to see if he was following me because you never know with these kind of guys, the lasting devotion and all!

I got to Autumn’s place and kept smiling as I went off to tease her! How disappointing it was to have Autumn act like our sister S, according to her B was so exaggerating! I tell you kind readers, these heartbreaker sisters of mine…I hope no more old boyfriends mistake me for one of them again! If they do, never fear because I will be sure to report! 😉 🙂

I need HELP!! Written by Autumn

Hi Everyone,

I am unable to leave ANYONE a comment. I type the comment, and hit the comment button and it just will disappear 😦

I just wanted you all to know, I am one that does leave comments, and this is very frustrating. I have written to Word Press to try and get some help, no answer yet 😦

Did anyone ever have this problem? Please give me advice if you did 🙂

I can “like” a post, that is all. Just know that I will be back and commenting as always as soon as I get this straightened out.



It’s National Popcorn Day! Written by Gabby

It’s another day to be celebrating…Yes again it’s about food! I do just simply love searching these out and totally  love to share! I just can’t help myself because I just love discussing food and want to share my thoughts. Also it’s really fun hearing from all of you kind readers and sure hope you will feel free to share your thoughts. Popcorn is just a wonderful healthy and low-calorie snack food and deserves to have its own special day, don’t you think so? I have another opinion…Did anyone seriously doubt it? I have to confess I usually have more than one I must and do admit to it all! 😉


The popcorn has to be hulless and I do mean totally hull free. I am not wanting those stuck in my teeth or risk trashing a filling…Yes, it happened years ago. Sadly it also happened to Autumn, of course we Twinnies have to do it up alike! 🙂 Anyway, we sure learned and it’s not ever happening again because a trip to the dentist every six months is just enough in our opinion. Not that we have evil dentists, but come on kind readers who simply loves rolling into that dentist office? 😉 If so, would Autumn and I would dearly love to hear all about it! 🙂 My goodness but I am once again digressing…Back to popcorn and no more dentist talk. Not a pleasant subject and one I sincerely promise I won’t be doing a post on…No offense to you dentists! 😉


Popcorn is wonderful when airpopped and very light on the sea salt, Autumn and I love it that way. Also, I must confess we do indulge in a bit of butter drizzled on it, too. There are so many ways to enjoy  this treat and I know you kind readers will hopefully have some thoughts and favorites to share. The Twinnies are pretty much purists and don’t much like toppings…We confess to being perhaps boring when it comes to popcorn. Well, those are my thoughts and please do chime in about your likes, dislikes and all about popcorn, it will be interesting to hear everybody’s opinions!  Happy National Popcorn Day! 🙂 🙂

Another Year Older…

Oh my goodness, but the last year went by rather quickly! How does that happen anyway? Lately I’ve been wondering if dear Autumn’s magic has been at work! 😉 Makes you think about all the fairies and magical creatures she has around, doesn’t it? 😉 So kind readers, Autumn and I are now one year older. But it’s OK since age is only a number, right? Of course it is, the close you get to the once dreaded numerical age the more it  only just gets better.


So, this little post isn’t really about our birthday and begging for attention. Did any of you kind readers think we were like that? 😉 Hopefully that answer is…Of course you didn’t! The funny thing is, we both have been told for years that we never looked our real age. That is such a blessing and it sure saves lying our ages! 😉 🙂  I’m kidding of course! It’s a time for these Twinnies to just be reflecting on the last 365 days and how and what’s gone on. How we have learned those life’s lessons and all, how to make this year only better. To the best of our ability of course, since we can’t control unexpected events.

I have a secret to spill, too! 🙂 Autumn is planning a big year, her engagement will be turning into a wedding I hear tell. The date is top-secret 😉 I’m kidding they haven’t set it but we will keep  you all posted, never fear. Anyway, this is where we need to ask you kind readers a question! Do you embrace your birthday, how do you celebrate and also what thoughts do you have? Come on, it’s time to share…Humor the birthday girls! 😉 🙂

Quotes About Changes and Growing

This was a thought I had, so I went off on a search for quotes to hopefully find some good ones. I did find quite a few it seems, again I narrowed it down to ten. It was one of those thoughts I so often get about growing, changing and how all throughout our lives it happens constantly. Nothing stays the same, we have to deal with changes and grow with them. It really can’t be stopped, so let’s go with the flow and cope our very best is my opinion. Surely I can’t be the only one who thinks of these things, can I? I sure hope not and I do hope you kind readers enjoy the quotes I found…It’s something to ponder for the day! 🙂
1.Welcome change as a great adventure~Jonathan Lockwood Huie
2.I can’t go back to yesterday–because I was a different person then~Lewis Carroll
3.He who rejects change is the architect of decay~Harold Wilson
4.If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars~Rabindrath Tagore
5.If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living~Gail Sheehy
6.The trick is growing up, without growing old~Casey Stengel
7.We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the string we have, and that is our attitude~Charles Swindoll
8.You grow up the day you have your first real laugh–at yourself~Ethel Barrymore
9.Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future~Paul Boese
10.Change what you believe and your world changes~Francesco Garri Garripoli