April 14th…What a Good Holiday!

I have to say, this holiday is of course not on the calendar…But it should be! April 14th is International Moment of Laughter Day and how fun does that sound? A moment of laughter here and there all day long sure can add up to one heck of a lot of laughter! Think about it…Something to ponder. Who is with me, ready to embrace this fine holiday?

Of course, as always I ran this one by Autumn and she loved it! We Twinnies do go for the laughter and good times, those downright wonderful vibes of joy. Yay, for laughter because it is good for the soul! 🙂 Who among us can think of one reason not to have and enjoy a moment (or two, maybe three) of good, hearty laughing out of our day? I bet it’s none of you kind readers, am I right? One thing I do have to caution everyone about…Be careful when you choose or decide to laugh. You know what I’m saying? Just don’t randomly burst out in peals of wild laughter while at work, or in a quiet type zone place please! 😉 It could just kind of ruin the day, also have everyone around you wondering what’s up with you. We sure don’t need that type of thing happening, right?

I have always had to be kind of careful with that one even when it’s not International Moment of Laughter Day, so has dear Autumn. Well, we do control ourselves… Or try to anyway! 😉 Why does our friend and Soul Sister Soma come to mind? 😉 And by the way, please do check her blog out and you will be so happy you did. :)Hmm…Well, Soma is much like us Twinnies. But wait, that is a positive thing! 🙂 Soma just simply loves to have a good laugh, so we will all be needing to hear how her “International Moment of Laughter Day” goes for sure! I just have a real good feeling she will be celebrating this one, Go Soma! We know you won’t let us down! 🙂

So come on kind readers, think of the happiness this day could bring to you and your family and friends. If somebody is feeling a little down or low, go cheer them up…Give everybody you know a moment of laughter today! You will be very glad you did, I just know it! 🙂 🙂

It’s Make Up Your Own Holiday Day!

Is everybody ready for this bizarre and unusual holiday? It’s a really good one…Today really is Make Up Your Own Holiday! It’s going to be a simply marvelous day for all of us, I just have that feeling! 🙂 Yay…Think of the possiblities, it’s kind of exciting, don’t you think? Don’t you all want to make up your holiday? I know I do, so does Autumn…She is having as hard of a time as I am. The problem is only choosing one thing for our own holiday! It’s a lot to think about, isn’t it?

I know this isn’t a day on the calendar…But just for today let’s pretend it is! March 26th is now a real and true holiday! We get to name it and even celebrate it if we want to. Who is with the Twinnies? Any ideas or thoughts yet…Come on kind readers you can do it! 🙂 By the time you finish reading this post I sure do hope you have some fun ideas for a holiday. 🙂 Here goes mine, my holiday will be “Let’s All Spread Some Peace, Love and Happiness Day”! I like it, I want my holiday to be something wonderful and very feel good and I am celebrating, too! I will spread all the peace, love and happiness with me everywhere I go, with everyone I see! Look out world I am ready for my holiday to begin! 🙂 All this entire day and woe to anyone who dares to bring bad vibes around me! 😉 It’s good vibes only, all the way and all day!!

Some of you may be wondering what Autumn’s holiday is “Magic is All Around Us Day”! Did anybody see that one coming? 😉 The Twinnie does love her magic as we all know. I am with her on this one, it’s a fun and happening day! Everything is magical and do let your imaginations just soar she says! 🙂 Autumn is ready, too to venture out there in the world and bring magic to all she meets up with! Is that a magic wand I see in that Twinnie’s hand? Why, yes it is…Go Autumn! 🙂 This really is quite exciting!

Wow, there you have our very own Make Up Your Own Holiday Days…Who is ready to share theirs? Come on kind readers, don’t let this day pass you by! Now is the time to join in the fun of it all…Make Up Your Own Holiday! We Twinnies will be waiting for your answers! 🙂 Just remember sharing is always fun and get ready, get set and go… name your holiday now begins! 🙂 🙂

International Goof-Off Day is Here!

I know, it’s another unusual holiday of sorts and of course not marked on the calendar. Hopefully you all aren’t getting tired of these. I just need to say, come on kind readers…This one is just too good not to be sharing! We have a whole day devoted to goofing off, who can resist? I know it won’t be me, not Autumn either! The Twinnie was happy to hear about such an awesome holiday.
International Goof Off Day is here and let’s embrace the day for all it’s worth. Laze around, go do fun things, hang out doing whatever you please and go for the gusto! But I forgot, it falls on a Thursday…Some of us may just have to work?!  Oops, I guess we all may have to call in sick for work. Well, maybe that is carrying the day of goofing off a bit too far? After all, nobody wants to lose their jobs. I have a good idea, let’s just kind of do some goofing off  at our jobs! Come on, nobody needs to know or better yet get the others to join in! Yeah, there you go…entice each and every one of them to just slack off, goof off and have an easy day of it. I am kidding of course, no reason to put the jobs in jeopardy!
Just have plenty of fun when you get home, relax and goof off to your heart’s content I say! I plan to do just that, who is with me? Autumn is of course, she is also plotting how she can perhaps happen to be sick on International Goof Off Day.
Well, we’ll just see how that works out…Will the Twinnie get the day off, or won’t she? She’s full of magic and all sorts of tricks after all…Hey maybe I will ask Autumn to see what she can do for all of us! With all those magic helpers and her own special touch, well you just never know, right? Yay! I have a very good feeling and some good vibes about it all! International Goof Off Day only happens once a year and let’s do make the most and best of it, we need this! Celebrate good times, come on!! 😉 🙂

What is Your Most Wished For? by Gabby

Most wished for Valentine’s Day Candy, that is! I just have to ask since that day isn’t all that far away now. What candy are you most wanting? What favorite candy other than that heart shaped box is calling your name? Those heart shaped boxes are vey nice…They hold all kind of treasures. So, they really might be among the top favorites, we’ll see. All I do know is that surely everyone must be looking for their favorite candy on that special day!

You may get flowers, you may get some other nice gift or perhaps two…But oh, the call of that chocolate is getting strong! Come on kind readers, is there any of us who doesn’t long for that chocolate? Gifts are nice, flowers are just lovely, too I must agree. But Valentine’s Day without chocolates…Perish that thought right now! Please don’t tell me, are any of you going to pass up that ever so tasty treat? I am worried some of you may just be saying yes! If so, please do share. 🙂

I know I have so many fond memories of my Valentine’s Days, especially when Dave was still alive. That husband of mine sure did pick out some very good chocolates, he really did resort to a heart shaped box of chocolates some years. He had a secret motive, he got to share them with me…All to spare me the calories of course. 😉 I almost always got Dave his favorite Resse Peanut Butter Cups, he simply loved them. We always did exchange cards, too I must add. I know the one year was funny when he found a special Valentine tin in the shape of a heart. He filled it full of my favorite candies…Hershey’s Kisses, Peppermint Patties, M & M’s and a few others. Of course I got nice cards and flowers, too…But the chocolates were the best! 🙂

So, what are you kind readers looking forward to this year? Is it candy? Is it the flowers or another gift? Autumn is hoping for some chocolates in the form of M & M’s or Kit-Kats! I will have to clue her darling man in to that fact, he thought of gifts but wasn’t having his mind on chocolates! I will say no more, No Twinnie, I will not spill any secrets that darling man of yours shared with me! You have to be suprised on Valentines Day after all and you can’t drag that info out of me…You love surprises, remember? 🙂 She really does, too…So nobody has to worry about me spilling the beans!

OK kind readers, it’s your turn! Please do share your most wished for chocolates for Valentine’s Day is. If it really isn’t chocolate, please let us know if it be flowers or anything else. You can share…You are among friends here! My two youngest nephews are my Valentines these days…I am so happy those little boys know my favorite chocolates! 😉 🙂 🙂

Ground Hog Day is Upon us…:( By Gabby

Well, it’s almost here. February 2nd is officially Groundhog Day. Being a resident of Pennsylvania one would think I would embrace the day, I don’t. I just can’t and either can Autumn! No, I am not talking about the movie from 1993 starring Bill Murray either. A good flick though, wasn’t it…to relieve the same day over and over and over again. I would much rather embrace and celebrate the movie than the dreaded event. I am talking about the day when the poor little groundhog gets dragged out of its cozy and safe little burrow. Manhandled and subjected to loud crowds of people, flashes from cameras in his little face, too. No doubt being half scared to death. I just think it’s mean and I happily boycott the whole deal! So does Autumn by the way, TF <3=Twins Forever all the way on this event! Who is with us? Please kind readers, do not give in to the hype of it all, think about the poor and sweet little groundhog!

To further top things off, the poor defenseless groundhog’s name here in PA is called Punxsutawney Phil. That was our Dad’s first name Philip.  I don’t like them borrowing Dad’s first name for the pitiful groundhog either! The whole day makes us twinnies sad, who is with us? Any kind readers have any thoughts? I am trying to not make this all doomy and gloomy, I know it’s been a tradition forever. They make a day of it all…Early morning festivals, speeches skits, bands and all kind of social events. Yay! While the groundhog gets to be shoved back in his burrow…Did he see his shadow? Didn’t he? It all depends on the weather after all…No matter, we still have a bit of winter left. Pure groundhog abuse!

It’s tradition started from folklore after all…Autumn and I got told this since we were young kids. Both of us crying and worrying over the groundhog, were we the only ones? We always were very sensitive and loved all animals, neither of us can watch Bambi to this day. Well, that is my take on February 2nd and I say let’s protest! Don’t celebrate and be a party to such things…Anyone with us twinnies? Don’t worry I will be back to my cheery self tomorrow kind readers. I just had to speak my mind about this and thank you ever so much for listening. Perhaps you think it’s silly that the twinnies get all mad, sad and just plain had enough…Groundhog abuse it is! Pure and simple and we will instead be celebrating Down With Mean People Day!! No, it’s not real, I made it up…But it sure fits. Hmm…Well, just maybe poor little groundhog will run for freedom! That would make for some mighty good headlines, wouldn’t it?! It could happen…With perhaps just a little help. 😉 Run little groundhog, run fast!!


2011 has come to a close and we are entering a brand New Year. It seems to have gone by so quickly, hasn’t it? Autumn and I would like to wish you all a wonderful 2012…Happy New Year everyone! Sure wish we could hand out those noise makers, confetti, or something. 😉  May you find this year to be the happiest, brightest and best ever. So many good wishes for it be filled with good health, much joy and just everything your heart desires.This blog has been one of the happiest experiences of 2011 for us twinnies…Thank you all for making it so! Whatever way you celebrate, have fun and be safe and we are sending hugs and smiles! ~~Autumn and Gabby~~

A New Year Wish ~ By Autumn Sunshine

A wish for this new year

that all you hold so dear

will shine bright and strong

and you will be right where you belong

my love and I begin with a wish so true

that  those who love, do

keep the love so bright

hold on to the lovely light

that dances all around

the love that can be found

at our home we have that always …

Don’t let go,make this year the best

put your love to the test

don’t rest

until you know you can

Spread the love all across the land

If you love a lot

you will not

fail the test of time

make the New Year shine

and refine

the love

My darling man and I wish you all

Happiness and not one fall …

Christmas Quotes… ~ By Gabby Angel

I thought this might be interesting to share with everyone. Earlier I was looking at Christmas quotes and found a few I liked, something to think about…Hope you enjoy them. Something to ponder for the day! 🙂
Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.~Norman Vincent Peale
May peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through.~Author Unknown
At Christmas all roads lead home.~Marjorie Holmes
I wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month.~Harlan Miller
May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope; the Spirit of Christmas which is peace; The heart of Christmas which is love.~Ada V. Hendricks
Christmas gift suggestions: To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect.~Oren Arnold

Christmas Kisses and Candy Canes ~ by Autumn Sunshine

What is your favorite?

Christmas Kisses or Candy canes,

All candies  are sure not the same

it’s all in the name

I have to vote for a kiss

those never miss

At holiday time it seems to me

that we all want a treat to be

better than all the rest

so make a choice or maybe try both

chocolate from Hershey’s

or peppermint canes

I hope this makes you smile

If only for a little while

both candies have style  😉

Kissing Under the Mistletoe… ~Gabby Angel

How did it begin anyway? Who started this  Christmas tradition anyway? Does anyone know? I for one didn’t, so I did some investigating. Kissing under the mistletoe, so romantic and so many people hang that mistletoe faithfully every year. It seems to be it is a magical and mysticial plant…

But, here’s a not so romantic thought! Mistletoe is labeled under the botantical classification as “partial parasite“. Yuck, no that doesn’t sound very nice does it? No romance found in the word “parasite” is there? The berries found on mistletoe are poisionous…I am sure others knew this. Oh my goodness,  this is sounding not so good. I am not trying to bash the heart warming tradition, honest I’m not! Dave and I hung plenty of mistletoe around our house every Christmas, same as I’m sure all of you do.

To lighten up the not so nice parasite thing and all, one story goes like this. Legend has it that mistletoe was hung in farmhouses and kitchens at Christmas. The young men had the privelege of kissing the young girls under said mistletoe. Each kiss, they had to pluck a berry, when the berries were gone the privelege of kissing stopped! Well, go figure and wonder just how many berries were on that bunch of mistletoe? Makes you wonder and ponder, doesn’t it? Thankfully it’s modern times and nobody has to follow any rules..Anything goes!

Happily hang that mistletoe and kiss as long as you want and keep that fine tradition going! After all, what happens under the mistletoe stays under the mistletoe! 😉 🙂