I Just Don’t Exactly Fit In…

I know, what a title again, but I will explain kind readers…Don’t I always? The title I wanted was just far too long, so I settled on this one. I have a reputation to maintain for my odd and sometimes puzzling titles to my posts! 😉 Anyway, “I Just Don’t Exactly Fit In at the Nice Mechanic’s Garage Who Looks After My Car” is a bit long wouldn’t you say? Sixteen words in a title, I really think not so this one with the Six words worked out the best.

Anyway, it’s so true upon picking up my car at the garage today I felt like I was in another world. My mechanic is wonderful, but at the end of the day there is usually a couple of guys (at the very least) hanging out in the office part. So, there I am this strange situation, with the guys chatting to me. They want me to feel welcomed, not left out of their secret club I guess. Those garages have that sort of thing going on, and being a girly sort of girl I am just so not hip to this car lingo.

I did understand the changing the oil thing and oh, never mind because I forget the rest. General needed maintenance and all, these are the times I just wish Dave was here to take care of it all. I know, he’s in Heaven and is not able to do such things and he trusts the nice mechanic/garage owner. I thankfully do have a mechanic I can trust and it is fine with me, I just want to nicely make it short and sweet. You know, pick up my car and get out pretty quickly…Those places reek of car smells! You know what I mean and I do believe I hear a few guys reading this just laughing like crazy, too. I can’t blame you at all, because it is laughable and kind of pitiful at the same time.

Anyway, I picked up my car earlier and just felt the need to write this post…Well, because I love to share! 🙂 Autumn is a bit more knowledge than I am about the car stuff, but not a lot…So she is definitely with me with this one. The sweet Twinnie did teach me how to pump gas 9 years ago, that was lovely and kind of liberating. I’m wondering how many of you girl readers can identify with me, or are you one of those girls who learned the car lingo? Whichever one, please do feel free to jump in with a comment and you guys can, too…Just be nice! 😉 🙂

What You Think Upon Grows Day

Well, this is an interesting bizarre and somewhat unusual holiday, isn’t it? It’s today May 31st, sorry not to give more notice, but start thinking now! You all simply have to join in on this one and please share, you just need to! Oh my goodness, I am sounding like a bit of a bossy person but of course you kind readers know that I’m not.

So now,  I must ask you kind readers…How could I resist writing a post on this one?! It can be for the good…What you think upon grows, I have many ideas let me just say. Didn’t anyone doubt it for a minute? Of course I will be happy to share, as will Autumn. She loved this not celebrated on the calendar  holiday when she heard about it from me. Just think and think on it and about whatever you see fit…Then it will just grow!

Now I have a good plan for what I will be thinking upon and watching grow, it will be peace and happiness for everyone on this earth! Yay, I love my idea if I do say so myself and I sure would love to see peace and happiness grow & grow, spread all over! No more bad vibes, mean-spirited things, hatred, fighting, hurting and all the rest of all those sad and bad things.

Autumn says she wants magic to grow and become so powerful that she will join my wishes of peace and happiness! Wow, that Twinnie is so awesome…Imagine what could happen! Well, we will keep thinking upon this all day long, waiting to watch it all grow…So be watching for it kind readers because you never do know.

How about all of you? Any ideas of what you would like to think upon to just grow, it’s up to all of you…But please do feel free to share! This is one very good not celebrated holiday, so let your imaginations just soar! 🙂 🙂

May is Better Sleep Month

It sounds so simple, doesn’t it? Sleep, something we all do at least 8 hours a night, right? Wrong, sometimes it’s not so easy at all! I am speaking from experience of course. I have a very comfortable bed, great pillows and awesome color schemes of my own liking going on. Sheets, comforter and shams all have the sage green,  rose and lilac…I have made my bedroom a real cozy sanctuary! Why was sleep eluding me over and over again? Well, it was kind of normal when my husband Dave first left this earth after losing the battle to evil cancer. I was just way too sad, very lost feeling, and the bed seemed so overwhelmingly empty.

Dave would often sing to me when I had trouble falling asleep and I really missed that. The recordings are good, but it really isn’t the same. I kind of got used to it after a while, but to be honest I still have the insomnia thing going on from time to time. Unfortunately, I then got a large case of depression rolling for months and slept sometimes off and on for  days. Thankfully, I did have grief counseling and I do also have a very good doctor.

Anyway, seeing this month of May was better sleep month got me  thinking. I was wondering if any of you kind readers had any sleep problems or woes, I sure do really hope not. But, if you do would you like to share your thoughts on this sleep thing? Even if you don’t, would you have any helpful words to share? Autumn has a sometimes difficult time of getting good sleep, but happily not as often as I seem to. One thing I have learned is that I can’t and don’t talk to anyone stressful, watch scary or upsetting things on TV, or read anything too troubling before I try to sleep. I don’t watch all that much TV as it is. But I do wonder how people can watch the news and go off to sleep.I couldn’t because it’s not exactly the stuff that good dreams are made of. Whoever thought up the idea of counting sheep is off base…Please don’t be offended if you do it! I just personally don’t quite get the point of it all.

Well, these are some of my thoughts for better sleep month and I will be ever so grateful if any of you kind readers will share some thoughts on this one. I am all for the thought that we should all experience a better sleep month not only in May, but always! Sweet dreams to us all!

Losing Your Marbles?

This is just too funny not to share, I just heard this one today from a friend. It does concern losing your marbles and someone trying to remedy the situation. All I can say it was a new idea and well intended, too and like nothing I had ever heard anyone doing.

It happened with one of my friend’s co-workers to cheer her up and all since she had been having a rough few weeks. Both at the job and also a tiny bit at home, too…Her teenaged daughter has been acting up just a bit much these days. Long story there and not necessary to tell for this post. I personally never would have thought of this one but my friend’s co-worker presented her with a bag full of marbles. A note was enclosed that said “Just when you think you’re losing them all, pull out my little gift and you will find you really haven’t lost them all!” How wild is that, wonder how the co-worker thought of such a thing…I like it!

Losing all your marbles or just a few here and there is never a good thing after all, is it? Wonder wherever that expression came from anyway…It’s another way of saying losing it, going nuts and slipping a gear or perhaps two. At those sometimes stressful jobs I guess having your own stash of marbles would make you smile and probably laugh. It was just funny how my friend told the story, I hope she doesn’t get any ideas. I really don’t need a bag of marbles, because my life and work isn’t all that stressful. Maybe it is, I could perhaps just not be thinking it is…I am kidding! I would be the first one to admit I was being stressed out or having a rough time of it. But, thankfully not and telling Autumn this story she thought it was rather amusing, too but didn’t think she needed a bag of marbles either.

Well, either the Twinnies are just too laid back or we are in denial…Could it be? I know, it isn’t funny joking about these things. Because of course Autumn and I are both fine. I had to ponder about this marbles story and thought it was fun for sharing. Some of you kind readers maybe could borrow the idea and hand out bags full of marbles! Go ahead if you have a family member, friend or co-worker who is having a bad time, well do give it a whirl and see what happens! If you do, please do tell us how it goes! 😉 🙂

National Honesty Day is Today!

April 30th and its National Honesty Day, for real it is! 🙂 Can you believe they actually started a bizarre and unusual holiday for being honest? When I first saw it, I really did have a laugh. It’s like they are insinuating the rest of the days are Let’s Practice Dishonesty Days or let’s all lie?! Who made up this holiday anyway? I thought about this is and it’s kind of serious thing, this business of honesty. Well, for the most part I do believe it’s a given that most people are honest. Of course I do look for the good in anyone and everyone, so I could be wrong. But, I sure do hope not.

It’s odd to me to fathom telling lies, making stuff up or being anything but honest. Why do it and what’s the point? How can people who aren’t honest remember to get those lies or the story straight anyway? I am just not clear at all on that one, it must get awfully burdensome. A sad practice indeed and so unnecessary and I mean that with all my heart. So maybe today is good day for those who have trouble with the honesty factor to give it some thought, maybe? Is that why someone  thought up this holiday? The more I think about it maybe it wasn’t made up just for the heck of it. Nothing to make light of, you know what I’m saying?

I love to laugh, enjoy having a good time and Autumn and I try so hard to make our blog be fun and happy, always. Of course you kind readers know this already. I am not writing this stuff to upset people or give a little lecture of sorts and I certainly don’t want people to be depressed about the subject. It’s something to think about, something to ponder about…I really do like pondering myself. I do it a lot actually, that is clearly obvious I have a feeling. My pondering may be well-known by now!

Anyway, today is National Honesty Day and everybody you decide the best way to celebrate the day! You kind readers make the day what you will, OK? Any thoughts or wanting to share, please do feel free to chime in…Sharing is always good! 🙂

Mimes … How Do They Do It?

I got the idea for this post from looking again at the image of the mimes. Hence the title…Meaning the mimes! They were featured in the post “April is National Humor Month” and as always it got me thinking. Because I confess I am never at a loss for thoughts…But that can be a good thing, right? I am never, well hardly ever at a loss for words. But those mimes, how do they do it? Not uttering a word, trying to convey a message. Well, they do make it look easy I must say. Very interesting they are, as well as entertaining, too. But not uttering a word, that alone would just drive me crazy. I’m not kidding either, I just couldn’t do it! Could any of you kind readers? Come on, think about it, not one word! Silence is the key with this mime business.

I am sincerely honest in saying, I do not do charades…For obvious reasons. 😉 How about you kind readers, anybody simply excelling at charades? If so, please do share because I just can’t maintain the silence. I do have to report, Autumn is very much the same…Oh, what a surprise, right? 🙂

The Twinnies are so not into being quiet…The stories I could tell about us in church as younger Twinnies! I am serious, just picture us whispering back and forth and oops by mistake starting to laugh. Made our parents ever so proud of Autumn and me both for sure! 😉

But, back to these mimes…They can’t speak. It’s not allowed in the mime world. I think they just might have a handbook they need to follow, what do you all think? 😉 But what if somebody says something funny to them? They can’t laugh…How awful for them! Somebody could try their hardest to make them talk, but the mime rules don’t allow it. I guess it would be enough to make them get fired…Well, then they could talk all they wanted! Without a job that is…Their talking would be a lot of complaining. Or telling off the person who caused them to speak, why not? They sure could be making up for lost time and get it all said!

Like I said, I was just thinking about all this mime stuff and just cracking myself up. I am so very easily entertained, what can I say? Autumn was laughing herself silly right along with me when thinking about finding some mimes. It really would be kind of fun to try to get them to talk, don’t you think? 😉 I am kidding, we wouldn’t do it because it really would be so not kind and rather thoughtless. But, the thoughts of it all are amusing! 🙂

All of these thoughts and pondering about mimes…Well, I do admire them I must say. Would I ever make it as a mime, would Autumn…Heck no! But would any of you kind readers? Think about it and please do share your thoughts on my latest off beat pondering and wonderings. Just think about the mimes…Surely you kind readers have something you would like to share! Go ahead, you are among friends! 🙂

April is Stress Awareness Month

April  is a month when we celebrate Stress Awareness! I really thought about this long and hard when I realized it was a whole month dedicated to Stress Awareness. What an awesome thing it is for all of us, it will get us thinking! So many people have stress in their lives, too much of it!

Some is self-induced unfortunately, some is brought on by how hectic and busy life can get. Some of it is caused from taking on too much, some of us worry needlessly and that causes stress.Over our work, our home life, over just anything and everything it seems. It’s bad for our body and also very bad for our minds. But we all know that already, don’t we? Of course we do, but we still meander our way over to the worrying and stressing side just way too often. Trust me, I know this well because I do it myself. I usually do try to catch myself though, and think positive thoughts instead. It works, at least the majority of the time and it’s something I try so much to be in touch with.

I just know the high blood pressure, the headaches, the anxiety, the sleepless nights, and all the bad things that come from stress just aren’t good at all. I hope we can all start to think about it when we start getting stressed. Maybe say a little prayer and also concentrate on happy and good vibes instead. It’s worth a try, right? Why let stress win? That’s what this Stress Awareness Month is all about, in my humble opinion only and for what it’s worth. I say it’s time to stop that awful stress right in its tracks!

I discussed this one with Autumn and she was in agreement, Yay! That Twinnie really is much like me, we want to stay healthy and happy. We just both know we have to make a conscious effort and be aware. I’m sure all of you kind readers are with us…Let’s do be aware and say goodbye to stress! Stress Awareness Month is a good thing! I’m glad I discovered it and I hope you all will also give it some serious thought, too! 🙂

April is National Humor Month!

I was so happy and just plain overjoyed to find out about this. Imagine that, the whole month of April devoted to humor, isn’t it wonderful? 🙂 I really do love finding out these things, because after all… Who doesn’t want to celebrate humor?

We can plenty of fun  laughing and just being in a lively, cheerful state of mind all month long. No time for sadness and gloom in this month of April, it just can’t happen! In telling Autumn at my latest findings of the fact of National Humor Month she thought it was quite awesome. As you already know kind readers, we Twinnies do have fun, magic and laughing with some happiness tossed in, too of course.We really do love having wishes, hopes, dreams and good vibes on our blog and try to make it a pleasure for everyone who visits :).

We Twinnies do crack each other up with silliness a lot of the time anyway, so for us we can just do it all that more often! Yay, laughing, smiles and all those good vibes floating around…Autumn said it was a magical happening! You all know how she loves her magic…Always weaving lots and lots of it here. 🙂 We both just simply love the brighter side of life, it’s better to laugh than cry and all that sort of thing.

It’s true you know, and also let’s always turn than frown upside down! Oops, I do sometimes get a bit carried away, don’t I? 😉 But there are so many, too many sad and serious sides and parts of life. Well, we just have to find something uplifting and humorous to balance things out. Makes sense, doesn’t it kind readers? Who is just smiling over this month of humor? Anyone thinking it’s not that special or shaking your heads in disgust? Well, I sure do hope not! 😉 Of course you can disagree with thinking it’s an awesome thing, this month being about humor.

That’s what makes the world go around everybody has different thoughts, ideas and all! I have got to say, doesn’t everybody have something that tickles that funny bone though…Hmm something to ponder! I can be all alone and find something highly amusing and just laugh, what does that tell us? 😉

I know I usually want to share something incredibly funny with Autumn, thankfully we do have the same type of humor! Well, there you have it my latest findings… April is National Humor Month! Don’t worry, I will be sure to keep everyone up on what else this month holds for us…Did anyone doubt it? 😉 🙂

Are we ever too Old?

In going with my title…I know it’s a kind of strange title perhaps but hang with me please! 🙂 The question is… Are we ever to old for having stuffed animals, riding a merry go round, eating animal cookies that come packaged in those cute little boxes that kids enjoy, licking the favorite flavored lollipop, dancing in the rain, skipping along on a sunshiny day, twirling around until you get kind of dizzy? This thought hit me when I was looking at the stuffed giraffe I have, I started wondering if I was too old to have stuffed animals.
I only have about a half-dozen or so now, I have given some of them to nieces, nephews or friends’ kids. Am I too old for still owning stuffed animals? I say NO… they are fun and really very cute…Sentimental value in every single one of them! 🙂 Too old for the merry-go-round ride or any of the rest? Again, I would have to say NO NEVER! But then of course I will always be young at heart, something nobody can  ever take away from me. Am I immature? No, not in the slightest, I have been through far too many sad and grownup things nobody wants to face.
Riding a merry go round…Am I ever looking forward to the spring and the carnival time, it’s time for a ride! 😉 Eating animal cookies, enjoying a favorite lollipop…Both of them perfectly acceptable to kids and some of us that are kids at heart. Dancing in the rain, well if it’s warm enough weather…What if somebody’s watching? Oh well, guess they will be watching and perhaps maybe wondering. Never stopped me before, would it stop you? Any of these things the stuffed animals, all of it…Who of you kind readers has a thought to share?
What does Autumn have to say about all these questions? This sharing what the Twinnie thinks is always good, isn’t it? Does she agree with me…The answer is of course! Because we are twins is she agreeing? Of course not, thankfully she shares the love of all these fun things! 🙂 We twinnies do share the living like a kid at heart thing. Are we crazy, or are we normal…Oops, no such thing as normal! 😉 I will rephrase that as are we behaving like undignified people? If we are, may it never change! 🙂
Who has any thoughts they would like to share…Are we ever too old for some things? For everybody’s sake, I sure do hope not. If so, you could be missing out on so much fun and so many good times! I will be waiting to see what you kind readers think, so will the Twinnie. We are now heading off…We have to go pick out some lollipops and the sun is out also,  so we will be skipping on the way! 😉 🙂

Is Silence Really Golden?

I know, what a title isn’t it? Once again pondering and wondering…Where does it take me? Well, I was reading something and the phrase “Silence is Golden” caught my eye. What if silence isn’t really golden, it could be silver perhaps. “Silence is Silver” has a rather nice ring to it, at least I think it does. 😉

How about any other shade in the vast rainbow of colors we could choose from? Silence is Violet, Silence is Teal, Silence is maybe Ruby Red? Think of a box of crayolas….What color would you paint silence to be?  Just a passing thought of sorts, you know how you get those thoughts? Or maybe you don’t, after all we really all are different. I’ve been told I can be really different…Hmm wonder if that was an insult or compliment? 😉

I know where the phrase originated, at least I believe I do. It was in the 18th century by Thomas Carlyle… That isn’t really the point though. Either is the point that the phrase means “It’s better to keep silent rather than say something you may regret”. I was thinking of colors and silence, sometimes my mind really does work in its own mysterious way. I had another thought about how when it’s noisy all around you and silence is so welcomed. Shut out those loud, intrusive people and all so you can think!

Silence isn’t golden when it’s bottled up inside…Lyrics from a song that I can’t recall who sang. But that is another thought, it’s not good to keep silent and have it bottled up and destroying your well-being. I guess I never have to worry about that one, I really do rather speak my mind more often than not. See what I mean about this phrase and what I’m saying? It can bring all kind of things to mind, can’t it? Look how only 3 words I read have me pondering and wondering like crazy. Wow, enough to write a post about it even! A mere little 3 words…Silence is Golden, look how you can play around with words and phrases! 🙂

Try doing that with a phrase, it’s fun and worth giving it a whirl, isn’t it? Please do share your thoughts and all if you so choose to…Sharing is fun! 🙂 🙂