What You Think Upon Grows Day

Well, this is an interesting bizarre and somewhat unusual holiday, isn’t it? It’s today May 31st, sorry not to give more notice, but start thinking now! You all simply have to join in on this one and please share, you just need to! Oh my goodness, I am sounding like a bit of a bossy person but of course you kind readers know that I’m not.

So now,  I must ask you kind readers…How could I resist writing a post on this one?! It can be for the good…What you think upon grows, I have many ideas let me just say. Didn’t anyone doubt it for a minute? Of course I will be happy to share, as will Autumn. She loved this not celebrated on the calendar  holiday when she heard about it from me. Just think and think on it and about whatever you see fit…Then it will just grow!

Now I have a good plan for what I will be thinking upon and watching grow, it will be peace and happiness for everyone on this earth! Yay, I love my idea if I do say so myself and I sure would love to see peace and happiness grow & grow, spread all over! No more bad vibes, mean-spirited things, hatred, fighting, hurting and all the rest of all those sad and bad things.

Autumn says she wants magic to grow and become so powerful that she will join my wishes of peace and happiness! Wow, that Twinnie is so awesome…Imagine what could happen! Well, we will keep thinking upon this all day long, waiting to watch it all grow…So be watching for it kind readers because you never do know.

How about all of you? Any ideas of what you would like to think upon to just grow, it’s up to all of you…But please do feel free to share! This is one very good not celebrated holiday, so let your imaginations just soar! 🙂 🙂

The Path

The path beckons to follow along

it seems it’s not wrong

so much beauty around

lovely colors abound

look here and there

and climb the few stairs

what a place to be

so happy and free

it seems to us

this is a place to trust

we walk and as we go

it’s easy to know

that peacefulness shows

the path is the best

and as we take a rest

the birds sing along

the love is so strong  …

Please visit my collection of poems and stories, quotes and blogs

It’s Make Up Your Own Holiday Day!

Is everybody ready for this bizarre and unusual holiday? It’s a really good one…Today really is Make Up Your Own Holiday! It’s going to be a simply marvelous day for all of us, I just have that feeling! 🙂 Yay…Think of the possiblities, it’s kind of exciting, don’t you think? Don’t you all want to make up your holiday? I know I do, so does Autumn…She is having as hard of a time as I am. The problem is only choosing one thing for our own holiday! It’s a lot to think about, isn’t it?

I know this isn’t a day on the calendar…But just for today let’s pretend it is! March 26th is now a real and true holiday! We get to name it and even celebrate it if we want to. Who is with the Twinnies? Any ideas or thoughts yet…Come on kind readers you can do it! 🙂 By the time you finish reading this post I sure do hope you have some fun ideas for a holiday. 🙂 Here goes mine, my holiday will be “Let’s All Spread Some Peace, Love and Happiness Day”! I like it, I want my holiday to be something wonderful and very feel good and I am celebrating, too! I will spread all the peace, love and happiness with me everywhere I go, with everyone I see! Look out world I am ready for my holiday to begin! 🙂 All this entire day and woe to anyone who dares to bring bad vibes around me! 😉 It’s good vibes only, all the way and all day!!

Some of you may be wondering what Autumn’s holiday is “Magic is All Around Us Day”! Did anybody see that one coming? 😉 The Twinnie does love her magic as we all know. I am with her on this one, it’s a fun and happening day! Everything is magical and do let your imaginations just soar she says! 🙂 Autumn is ready, too to venture out there in the world and bring magic to all she meets up with! Is that a magic wand I see in that Twinnie’s hand? Why, yes it is…Go Autumn! 🙂 This really is quite exciting!

Wow, there you have our very own Make Up Your Own Holiday Days…Who is ready to share theirs? Come on kind readers, don’t let this day pass you by! Now is the time to join in the fun of it all…Make Up Your Own Holiday! We Twinnies will be waiting for your answers! 🙂 Just remember sharing is always fun and get ready, get set and go… name your holiday now begins! 🙂 🙂

There is hope ~ by Autumn

We can look around and plainly see

that a peaceful world is what we need

the hope still lives

and there is so much to give

to make things  right

and no more fright,

the endless fight

for peace on earth

it can happen, for what it’s worth

Never give up and never give in

all we need is to simply begin

to care for each other

sisters and brothers

every woman and man

we can do it, we can!

The light is still burning

we all should be learning

that this is life, not a practice run ..

Please visit my collection of poems and stories, quotes and blogs

The Year of the Hippie Snowman (and Woman) ~By Gabby Angel

There was a light dusting of snow this morning when I woke up. I have no idea what made this memory pop into my head. My mind is a mysterious place…I will be the first to admit it! Anyway, the year of the snowman  and woman we turned into hippies! It’s is a fun memory to tell, so I will get to it.

Back when you’re young, you just love looking forward to creating something out of snow. For some reason the cold doesn’t bother you in the slightest either. So this one morning, we woke up and had gotten a nice couple feet or more of snow. Autumn and I must have been 11 or 12 years old. Our friends and favorite neighbor boys came over to fetch us twinnies to get outside and create some special snowman.

Alex and Tim were just always the greatest with their imaginations, so this was going to be awesome fun. We all headed to our backyard, playing around and throwing a few snowballs first. Tim and Autumn started this, so we had a small snow battle but got down to business. We all decided to have the coolest and best snowman on our block. How lofty that sounds, but we all were competitors in our own fashion. The snowman came together so nicely, it was so big! At least it seemed like it was, but we were young. Autumn insisted we make a Mrs. Snowman, Tim agreeing as always with his buddy. OK, it seemed like a fine idea we all though…Let’s really go for it! On we worked, before long Mrs Snowman joined Mr. How to decorate them? We talked among ourselves and hit on a fine idea, too I must say.

We twinnies raced inside our house to gather a few things, the boys took off for theirs to do the same. Gaining our parents permission, who got into the spirit of things…What a fun set of parents we had. Soon, the twinnies and the boys were out in the backyard. The Mrs. Snowman had a floppy hat for her head, we had used some yarn for hair, button eyes in place.  Mom had donated a flowery old blanket for her fashion attire. Autumn and I fashioned her a nice getup, slipped the Peace sign in her hand and she was all done. Yes, she was a knockout!

On to the Mr. Snowman, he got a nice pair of sunglasses and a colorful headband. Adding button eyes, he also got draped in an old blanket. We fancied it was a fetching looking poncho and added his sign that said Love. They were all complete, we stepped back to admire our handiwork. By now both sets of parents, our sibilings, too had gathered to congratulate us on a job well done!

Yay, they all loved Mr and Mrs. Hippie Snowman and his Woman! Both Dads took pictures, one of them ended up hitting our very small town newspaper. Thrilling the twinnies and boys beyond reason! We ended up the talk on not only the neighborhood, but also of our little town. That makes me laugh out loud, thinking back to that year…Smalltown celebs we were for just a short while anyway! 😉 🙂

Friends ~ by Autumn Sunshine

The tears

and the fears

only mirror

what is inside

we sometimes hide

our feelings too well

we think no one can tell

the hurt and pain

pouring like rain

But those  we call our friends

can see and they end

our silence…

try to mend

our sorrows

and save tomorrow

as the fears disappear in the smoke

and the feelings we spoke

are open and free

so we can be

at peace again

The person we call “friend” did not give up…

How lucky and blessed

to have guessed

and untangled the mess…

Peace ~ By Autumn Sunshine

In the very end

I could not send

nor mend

my words

you heard

what you wanted to hear

I am a mere

princess of peace …

I try to do what I can

and take a stand

for peace and love


it all

I take the fall

and stall

in confusion and pain

chasing shadows again

but I’ll never give up the fight

for freedom and right

I know who I am, do you?

Sad but true

many have not a clue

this is life and it’s real

I say we deal

with it now…

Pondering and Wondering Again… BY Gabrielle Angel

So, I am wondering and pondering again. I do that a lot actually, more often than I should. Am I the only one who worries about odd things? Things that may never happen, things that have happened, passing thoughts about people and events.
Any or all of the above that may have happened already, may never happen again. I wonder if worry is even the correct word? Or is pondering, wondering more accurate? Whether I am busy, meandering about doing things or just hanging out doing not much of anything…It always happens. An active mind, well that’s good isn’t it? Sure it is, or so I hear tell!  Anyway, I was driving and kind of worrying/pondering and all once again. A specific thought kept running through my mind. Traffic around me, a song on the CD and my mind just takes off.
I am thinking about an acquaintance who I had an unplesant short chat with  by telephone before I left my house.Why does this person persist in constantly asking favors?  Of me, of others and I sort of shudder over the selfishness of it all. Not really even a friend anymore,too exhausting to have for a friend quite honestly. I can’t allow people to do that, I would rather disconnect.
What I would like to do is play this person the Eagles song, Get Over it. I think the line applies, “The big, bad world doesn’t owe you a thing” is quite accurate for this person. I am a nice person, but not a doormat after all and I have spoken my peace before to this acquaintance.
In talking to my twin sister Autumn about this one, she is much more blunt and that’s good. She offers such sage advice that I badly need to hear. That twinnie is sure a blessing. Then my mind takes off again, and I am thinking about nice people who I call friends and also other trusted family members.
My cousin, he is so much like me and I love him dearly. He gets into these similiar situations in his life. We had talked recently about this one person who invades his well behaving in much the same way. He laughingly told me we must just care too much and come across the wrong way.
 Maybe we all have such people around us? It’s something to ponder for the day, anyone have any thoughts on this? It’s just much better to kick this sort of person out of our lives, but why do they have the nerve to keep coming back I wonder?! A mystery and kind of pitiful…Some people on this earth just are takers and some givers. Never the twain shall meet, I wish. Why am I bothered about wanting to change this person?
 You can’t change anyone but yourself, after all and I do know this. This was again one of my daily ponderings, wonderings or worries…Thanks for listening!

Heart of Stone ~By Autumn Sunshine

Heart of Stone

What do I do
I am through
with the game
and the lame
excuses you give
I just want to live
and be happy……
my heart is made of stone
I am going to be alone
all I want now is peace….
and no more lies
or tries
to be someone
I don’t even know…..
will you know
how low
and sad
and sometimes mad
I feel
you steal
not heal
and I want out now!!!!

John Lennon’s Birthday… ~written By Gabby Angel

It’s today, October 9th and he would have been 71 years old. John Lennon such a man of peace, he is still with many of us in our hearts and thoughts. We have all of his beautifully awesome music, that will always live on. I just couldn’t let this day, his birthday go by without recognizing this date. This is just a short post, Autumn and I just wanted to acknowledge this day. To say Happy Birthday John and we miss you!

So very hard to believe he’s been gone for almost 31 years. I know Yoko needs to be given a mention, she is amazing in her ways of carrying on John and her legacy for peace. They shared the dream together, as well as a very special and unique love. Whenever I think of someone I would have loved to sit and have a chat with…It’s John. I’m sure many people who would have loved this also. So for all of you thinking of John Lennon today, his birthday…Autumn and I send you love, hugs and smiles, and last but not least Peace!