Pinky Swears Are Serious Business

Another fascinating and perhaps bizzare title…Never fear kind readers, I will explain! 🙂 I’m not sure if you all will know what a pinky swear is, again never fear if you don’t know because I will explain! 🙂 It’s something we used to do as kids, Autumn and me and still do as grown ups just to be silly of course.
A pinky swear is locking or linking your little finger (the pinky finger, that is) with another person and promising to keep the big and exciting secret that’s divulged. It seems so funny thinking about it and it makes me laugh at the words that can go along with it, too. Hope you are ready for those magic pinky swear words because here we go–” I will not bend, I will not break, this pinky swear I now do make”. How is that for young girl drama, I bet it made some of you laugh and maybe remember something similiar about your own pinky swears.
Oh my goodness but they were such serious business back in the day. I do need to add one thing, the little rhyme or magic words, sometimes we didn’t bother saying them if we were in a big hurry. Just merely locking pinky fingers still counted as a pinky swear, at least to us! 🙂
 The question I just have to ask is how many of you ever did your own version of the pinky swear? I sure am hoping somebody has and will be happy to share, please. I am so counting on you kind girl readers to share. After all, it really is a “girl type thing” this pinky swear business…No offense to you guys but it’s just a fact. Anyway, if you all are maybe wondering what reminded me of the pinky swear don’t ask! My mind tends to wander all over the place, random thoughts just pop into my head…And I was merely polishing my fingernails. Doing my little finger, the pinky one of course just conjured up this fun memory! Go figure, huh? 😉 🙂

The Twinnies Are Finally Back and It’s 2013!

Well, it’s been  about five months now since we’ve been away… And this time was so very much-needed by both of us Twinnies. Some of it was spent on vacation time of course. Camping and enjoying the mountains where it is so peaceful was so wonderful. The rest of the time was spent doing some serious rest and relaxation with each of us doing our own things.

I would love to report that we jaunted off to Italy and all over the globe, but alas we stayed right here in the US. It’s been over a year now since Autumn and I have been on Word Press and we honestly do love blogging and interacting with all of you. You kind readers and friends really are the best, we appreciate you all so much never doubt it! However, it’s also a sometimes draining and exhausting thing trying to write everyday, visit blogs and all.

Life gets too busy and time is so short. We had some not very good  things going on in our family that made blogging even more difficult, too. Our Mom was having some health issues and is still not quite her best yet. Several other personal things really did also take over and put blogging on the back burner. I guess it’s not necessary to get into all of it, it all was just very hectic and it still is to some degree. So, it really was good and important for Autumn and I to take some time for ourselves just so we didn’t become too tired, stressed and burned out. We Twinnies hope you all will be understanding and we do promise to try our best to get back in the swing of things, we have missed you all. We both sure really do admire you who do post everyday and sometimes numerous posts as well. Unfortunately these Twinnies can’t promise to do this, but we will be here as often as humanly possible! Hopefully more often than not, we’ll quite honestly just have to see how it all goes and thanks for bearing with us.

Thank you again so very much to all of you kind readers and friends for sticking with us and we send lots of love, hugs and all the very best vibes out to every one of you! Autumn and Gabby 🙂 🙂

Kitty Love

So many hugs

they’re so much in love

“Meow” says he

“I know” says she

Flowers in hand

he is the best in the land

she says it’s true

and I love you

Meow so loud

we’re very proud

We smile a lot

of  happy thoughts

Kitty love is fun

the best under the sun

they can’t wait to say “I do”

these kitties knew

that love was right

and now it’s with all their might

they love each other

and “meow”, never another …


Please visit my collection of poems and stories, quotes and blogs

Magic above the Clouds

They dance about the clouds nearby

as the butterflies flutter and fly

magic abounds

all around

the happy couple will dance

what a romance !

a Pegasus flies by

looks at them and sighs

a lot of magic fills the air

they dance and swirl without a care

their wings so fine

so very divine

they’re so in love

the moon smiles above


Please visit my collection of poems and stories, quotes and blogs

Princess on a Swing

For the Sweetest Fairy Princess ever, that would be YOU, Bonita 🙂 love and hugs, Autumn Maasi

She swings on a leaf
Happy as can be

Dressed all in flowers
hoping for no rain showers

She’s sitting up so high
she sees the moon passing by

with pretty flowers in her hair
she hasn’t got one single care

She swings and sings
the magic rings

all around the flower, and she smiles
she can see for lots of miles

A petal here another there
floating in the air

She’s having lots of fun
but now she must run

Time to get home now
she’ll be back tomorrow anyhow 🙂

Off she goes
dancing along on her toes

Goodbye she yells
time to learn another spell …

Magic under the Sun

So much magic to be found

It usually makes not one sound

under the sun

so much fun

look and see

all there can be

Open you mind

such wonderful things you’ll find

Mountains tall

and creatures small

Don’t give up on the quest

it’s far from over yet!

Shooting stars

from up so far

magic beckons us along

it’s growing so strong

Don’t close your eyes

all around you can find a surprise

Take a chance and see

Just how much magic  there can be …


Please visit my collection of poems and stories, quotes and blogs

Happy National Fairy Day

Wow, those cute little fairies have their own special day! 🙂 Yes indeed, those magical fairies that Autumn loves to write about and honor, Yay! The fairies are dancing and twirling and just plain honored at this special day made for them all I hear. Autumn is one happy Twinnie today, she has been smiling and celebrating like crazy…You would have thought she designated the day herself! 😉

For all who just love those fairies, from Tinkerbell to all the fairies in the whole world will embrace this day! 🙂 I know I do and I really love fairies and yes, I do clap because I believe in them…You already know Autumn claps, too! Remember that line in the movie Peter Pan…Clap your hands if you believe in fairies. I hope you are all clapping, clap harder if you can kind readers so we can hear you! 😉 🙂

It’s too much fun, I keep smiling myself just thinking about it, because it’s such a lovely idea. I’m not sure how it all started, who started it and all but did they ever designate one awesome day. The fairies pave the way for everyone to smile, maybe dance and just love all things magical, mystical and mysterious! We have our Fairy Godmother, the garden fairies, the fairies come in all sizes, too! We have the fairies who do this and that, whatever you may need  and guard and protect. I don’t want us to forget the much-needed Tooth Fairy… Flying here and there. She collects all those precious baby teeth that are lovingly placed under pillows, put in trinket boxes and all and money is left behind to make the little boys and girls content at parting with those baby teeth. So many wonderful and happy things all these fairies do! Bestowing amazing things and magical acts…Autumn has told me all about them so I know these things, Yay Autumn! 🙂

Fairies have their own day, they sure do need to be celebrated and we Twinnies are embracing the day and overjoyed. Make a wish, it just may come true today of all days…It doesn’t hurt to give it a whirl! Oh, Autumn reminded me to tell you…Don’t you dare forget to clap because the fairies have to know you certainly do believe! 🙂 🙂

Fairy Lake

This lovely place is named Fairy Lake

How much magic does this take?

The deer elegant love the water so cool

Drink as much as they want, there’s no rule

butterflies all flutter about, too

the bird sing as they always do

Beautiful flowers all over the place,

I see a dog across the lake, what a cute face 🙂

Feel the magic in the air

it floats around without a care

Come and visit sometime

All are welcome, it’s always fine

Don’t miss the fun,

it’s never done

magic under the sun

or a night

the moon provides light

you’ll love beauty and feeling of love

if you’re lucky you may see a dove!

It’s the wonder of Fairy Lake

come and visit, for goodness sake …


Please visit my collection of poems and stories, quotes and blogs

National Barefoot Day

Barefoot day is here, June 4th and I just had to share it  with everyone! 🙂 After the broken toe of mine, not to mention the few bruised ones you would think I wouldn’t be embracing this one. But, I just have to because being barefoot and shoeless is just so nice! I really do walk around my house with no shoes on most of the time…Not for outside anymore.

Autumn is the same way, we Twinnies learned our lessons very young after stepping on countless bees when we were young. We both proved to be allergic to those stings and it really put a damper on things and Ouch with lots of crying!  Also, the unfortunate incidents of cuts and all…It just isn’t very wise to do. I was thinking of it being Barefoot Day and wondering if anyone will be going barefoot at their jobs? Not probably embraced by employers, even if they do happen to be related to you.

Since there are limits an a time and a place for everything, unfortunately. How many of you kind readers will be celebrating Barefoot Day, do share! After all, it is National Barefoot Day and people all over the world will be happy that this day has finally arrived! The other thought I just had as I am writing about the joys and all of going barefoot is how many shoes, boots, sandals, etc are now residing in my closet! 🙂

It’s funny think about it just for a minute or so! 😉 OK, so I love my footwear and so does Autumn but there is also freedom of going barefoot every now and then. Even if it’s only on this National Barefoot Day alone, so if you’re like us Twinnies with the closet full of shoes and all, we can still embrace this day. It’s only once a year, so do have a very Happy Barefoot Day everyone! 🙂 🙂

The Fairy Princess and her Pony

For the best fairy princess ever, this is for my beautiful niece,  Bonita ♥ love Autumn Mashee

All dressed in pink

What do you think?

The fairy princess and her pony stand

they are looking all around the land

Where should they go?

Do you know?

magic to spin

and races to win

they ride the best

they’ve passed every test

Magic dances on the breeze

making the little pony sneeze!

How silly is that,

the princess almost lost her hat

off they go for a ride that’s fun

galloping into the sun …