Winter Fairy

See the snowflakes falling

Can you hear the good times calling?

Frost and snow

Oh what a show!

The spirit of winter is here

and the fairy of winter is near

She watches to see

how much snow there will be

As snowflakes swirl around

all over the magical town

Sleds to be found

happiness abounds

Magic so clear

winter is here

Sparkles and shine

on each house down the line

What a time of year to enjoy

for each girl and boy …


Snowflake Facial… by Gabby

Who wants one? A snowflake facial, doesn’t that sound invigorating?  I know, you are all thinking I am talking about real snow, right? Perish the thought! That would be too cold and quite silly, think about it. 😉 I just had to do some  kidding there for a minute. 🙂 But, seriously… There really is a plant called the summer snowflake plant! That’s how the snowflake facial earned it’s named. Very misleading, I know! Want to know the other not so good part? It costs about $350 and upwards of more I believe if you have it done at their Beverly Hills spa. Who knows, all I do know is it is very expensive!

The snowflake plant is supposed to contain all these wonderous natural ingredients. They are claiming it’s better than botox and it’s needle free! Yay, let’s all go have one, who is with me? I think it’s just plain too much money, who agrees with me? There is a variety of products you can buy and do this at home yourself. They all look not too bad, until you get to the scary mask you will need to wear for a short time. It’s supposed to help the product work better. For some people they really might think of trying it, you never know. Everyone is different on their thoughts. Not being a fan of having botox or anything like that being done, maybe I am just too cynical about the whole concept. It doesn’t matter if it’s all natural ingredients and needle free. Well, I may need you kind readers to help me out.

Autumn has given me her thoughts, she might want to try out the snowflake facial. If she felt like tossing that kind of money around, which she doesn’t. Botox? To that the twinnie says no! Who has any thoughts to share about the snowflake facial concept? How about botox? I know, perhaps just a bit too personal. Please do forgive me if indeed I did get too inquiring….But sharing is fun!  Anyway, I did have to share and pass along the interesting name when I learned about the snowflake plant.The new happening snowflake facial, too…I would love to talk to someone that actually had one done though! Just for the sake of my curiosity and all…You know what I mean?

I did have to laugh when I told Autumn about the snowflake facial…Her first question, do  they use real snow? I have to admit…I did tease her for a few minutes and had  her going about it being real snow. I thought I was more of the gullible of us twinnies! 😉 Don’t worry I told her the truth right away and she laughed, a lot! So, no snowflake facials or botox  for the twinnies and that’s our final word! 🙂 🙂

Thoughts on Snow and Snowflakes… by Gabby

It’s the time of year…Snowflakes, as well as snow are on my mind. Well, living here in PA that’s winter times gift to us. Our gift last night was a few inches of snow, more is expected tonight into tomorrow. Isn’t that a nice way to look at snow and snowflakes in general?  Call them blessings, gifts and embrace the whole snow concept…That’s what I have vowed to do. I was thinking about how each and every snowflake is different. Just like people, every snowflake is an individual. No twin snowflakes, what a disappoint that was to find out let me tell you! Isn’t that a rather amazing thought of no two snow flakes being alike? I think so, not that I have ever chance to analyze any snowflake. They really do melt when you have them in your hand, they land on you face and just disappear!
Thank goodness for those good facial creams, potions and lotions. I kind of think snowflakes are just a bit magicial. When Autumn and I were young we would stick out our tongues to catch a taste of a snowflake. I now, they don’t taste like much of anything. But when you’re young, you embrace these things. The twinnie and I would make up flavors the snowflakes tasted like…We had very good imaginations, what can I tell you? It was one of those wacky little games, asking each other “what does your snowflake taste like?”
Thankfully our parents knew we had just been gifted with those good imaginations. They always went along with the game, never correcting us, what a joy to have Dad and Mom. Other parents might have been stodgy and simply no fun…Making us stop the snowflake tasting game at once. You know, some parents would have done that…I feel sorry for those types. Stifling and stopping all the ponderings, wonderings and all of young minds.
Anyway, those are my thoughts on snowflakes…Do any of you kind readers have any snowflakes thoughts? If so, please share because…Sharing is always fun! 😉 🙂

Pick Your Snowball Battles Carefully! by Gabby

Once again, I woke up looked out the bedroom window…Another dusting of snow. So very pretty, but no real accumulation to speak of. The window that I was looking out, I saw the neighborhood handful of kids waiting on the corner for the school bus. They really all pretty good kids and get along well. Imagine my surprise when I saw a couple of them tossing snow at each other. What pitiful little tiny snowballs they were, too…It did make me laugh but seemed they were having fun. It reminded me of snowfalls we would get back when Autumn and I were their age. Oh my goodness, we had some major snow…Often so much school was cancelled. The days we all dreamed of naturally!

So many times we had snowball battles, built snowmen and snowforts. My mind does work in a way all it’s own…What made me remember a snowball battle from us twinnies youth? Probably seeing the neighborhood kids, they were about the age we were back then, maybe 10 years old or so. Autumn and I had neighbor boys we were good buddies with, their names were Alex and Tim. Boys we grew up with, they were always fun and we all got along quite well.

This particular day, school was cancelled and we were all over the moon! Alex and Tim came over to play in the snow with us. We all had great fun building a little snow fort, a snowman to stand guard. I was pretending it was the prince and the twinnie talked Tim into building a snow unicorn. It honestly did resemble a unicorn, Alex and I were kind of surprised. We always had a thing about magical beings and all that, those poor boys! Anyway, all was fine until Tim and Autumn got a little rowdy with tossing snowballs…Wait just a minute who said we were having a snowball battle?! Pretty soon the snowballs were just flying like crazy…I wasn’t happy.

I should be embarassed to admit it, but I could be a bit snippy about getting too wet. The snow was in my hair, too and not making me at all happy. Plus my snowman prince was now missing part of it’s face. I wasn’t trying to ruin the twinnie’s unicorn, honest…But oops, there went the head flying off. Alex had come to my rescue…A snowball gone wild! By now Autumn was crying, I had joined in and those poor boys were just trying to get us to calm down. Tim and Alex comforted the twinnie with fixing up her unicorn, then mended my snowman prince. Wow, those boys sure worked fast…Anything to shut up the crying twinnies I fear.

Anyway, order was restored and we all decided to trail inside for hot cocoa and I simply had to fix and dry my wet hair, too! These are the wacky and weird things that just a small ground covering of snow made me take a stroll down memory lane.The good and fun old days, they make me smile, then laugh out loud. Then, just grab the phone to call the twinnie to ask her if she remembers…She did! 🙂 😉

Dancing through the snow ~ by Autumn Sunshine

We really do it all

I laugh and recall

Dancing through the snow

we just seem to show

and know

that we can dance anywhere

without a care

My darling man,

we really can

make the most of our love and life …

Twirl and swirl

and spin and dip

kiss me quick

my lips are getting cold

I know, some would think me bold

Only you do undertand

glad to say, my darling man

you are simply the best

let’s continue our dance, a silly fest

as we whirl and the snow falls

it seems to call our names

love in the snow

is the best I know

so let’s have another dance

we can take a chance

so let’s spin and win

and whirl and twirl

and dance through the snow …

Please visit my collection of poems and stories, quotes and blogs

Cold Weather and Snow Flurries ~ By Gabby Angel

OK, so it stopped snowing on our blog, kind of sad to see it go actually. However, it’s been snow showers and lots of flurries here. Very cold temperatures, but no real snow accumulation…Yet! It’s winter in Pennsylvania, so it’s to be expected, right? I really do try not to complain, all the complaining in the world isn’t going to change the weather! Trust me if it did, I would be the biggest and whinest of complainers!

Anyway, I have a nice selection of long coats, berets, gloves, scarves and boots, so I am staying warm. As well as staying fashionable…It’s better to look on the upside or the positive of things in my opinion. You know, the glass really is always half-full!  Everyone I’ve talked to, which is a good sized amount of people and they have all been just obsessed with the weather.For one reason or another, it’s the main topic going it seems. I had to laugh today when chatting with some neighbors.The husband is bummed out because it hasn’t snowed enough to use his snowblower yet. The flip side is his wife hates the snow, she doesn’t want to leave the house until spring or at the very least go visit relatives in Florida!

Although, to be quite honest the majority of people just aren’t happy with the sudden serious dip to single digit numbers though. The other thing I have noticed is the let down from the holidays being over, that’s to be excepted I suppose. It doesn’t affect me that way, it’s a fun time getting ready for the holidays and enjoying them. But when it’s all over, it’s nice to have things calm down. That is my humble opinion only of course and I do feel sorry for those who are genuinely sad to see the festivities end. Autumn is OK with the holidays being over and also with the weather, she is like minded about going with the flow. So, that is a relief, the twinnies are on the same wave length!

Shoveling things out isn’t looked forward to exactly, but it goes with the territory…Acceptance is a good thing, isn’t it? Anyone living in the colder regions, what are your thoughts? If you would like to share, that would be nice and very welcomed, as always. Do you enjoy the colder weather, looking forward to the snow? Have you had much snow in your area? Or are you just not happy with this and wanting spring to get here quickly?

Those of you living in the warmer regions…You can let us know your opinions, too. 🙂 Just please do refrain from gloating! 😉 🙂

Winter time at our beach ~Autumn Sunshine

The snow doesn’t stop us at all

the beach has a call

that we can’t resist you see

So you and me

just build a campfire and stay awhile

we are going in style

bundled up and cozy warm

we look at the ocean without alarm

a little snow is nothing much

the beauty of the waves is such

a sight

so here we are on a Friday night

under the stars so bright

The beach is ours and so you see

no amount of cold or snow will be

too much, we’ll just  stay awhile

I have to smile

You love the beach as much as me

and as the waves crash and dash

we dance a slow one before we leave

we have done it the way it was weaved

in the sands of time …

Did the Twinnie Curse Us With Snow? ~ Gabby Angel

Did she, did Autumn bring snow to us? She enabled snow just yesterday to fall on our blog…Now we are having snow, for real!

It is snowing as I write this, I do not jest about snow. Oh twinnie, what were you thinking? Of course you were helped out by Word Press, too. I can’t forget to thank them either! Thank you for the virtual snow Word Press…I send you hugs!  But seriously, you must  know I am not quite ready for this snow!

Of course living in PA, why is it a suprise to me…We were bound to get snow sooner or later, right? I will look at the positives… After all, that is the best way. I love shoveling the white stuff, it’s good exercise! I can perhaps skip a workout!

Maybe the snow won’t amount to very much…We’ll have to wait and see. After all, the snow should be a welcome change from the last few days of rain, right? That rain was becoming tiresome. Snow will get me into more of  the Christmas spirit real quickly, too! We may even get enough snow to build a snowman, that is a cheery thought!

The wild and crazy guy who lives down the block, he will rejoice in getting out his snowblower. That can get just a bit  scary, just glad I live far enough away to not be affected. Oh, but that noise!

Twinnie, if this snow amounts to much just remember…I will be counting on you to help me cope. A shovel is here, as you well know just waiting…Remember that, it has your name on it twinnie dearest! On that happy note…Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! 😉 🙂