Where we’ve been …

We have been away from blogging over three and a half months this time around. Little did either of us know what these three months would hold, it has been scary, sad and life changing. Lessons learned and circumstances we are choosing not to share at this time. Please, understand this is not meant to be rude, uncaring or unfeeling to any of you still reading. Life is precious and short and health, family and love are definitely first…Always.  We both want to say we have missed you kind readers and friends and truly appreciate you all and how we were welcomed in this blogging world. With all that has gone on and is still happening, we both have agreed that we are very uncertain about returning to Word Press. All we as “Twins Forever” want you all to know that if we are unable to return is… Thank You to each and every one of you for taking the time to read our words and get to know us. God Bless you all…


Hugs from Autumn and Gabby

Twins with four legs Each

Just look at these twins,

they are meant to win

the survival of  the wild

each is only just a “child”

let’s hope they grow up strong

knowing right from wrong

stay away from cars

come out of the forest to see the stars

be careful who they trust

that is a must!!

Nature at it’s best

puts animals to the test

to live and learn

as they nibble on ferns

walk careful and know

that  they will soon grow

but for now they’re still small

not too big at all

the beauty shows in their eyes

please humans, don’t make them cry …


Please visit my collection of poems and stories, quotes and blogs

Inner Child Alert!

This is my own personal idea and no it’s not a bizarre or unusual holiday. I made this one up all by myself and I am proud of this shout out. Listen up kind readers…It’s a day for all of us to let our inner child out to play! 🙂 Come on, it’s a good day as any and we all need to give this one a whirl!

I am inspired today, I was in the park near my house. Wow, what fun these kids were having! Such smiles, and happiness just flowing like crazy. I was over at the park walking around and just having a peaceful hour, but these kids got me so inspired. I met up with the sweetest young mother and her two daughters, they were a pair of 5-year-old twins! I loved seeing a set of young twinnies play and jump about with all that excitement. They were just having a blast on the swings, then were just having a grand time on all the other playground equipment. I have to admit I joined in taking a turn on the swings myself and then I was in for a quick game of tag.

The twins and their Mom thought it was so awesome that I was also a twin…It took me back to Autumn’s and my younger days! 🙂 A few more kids arrived at the park and soon everybody was just having a fun time of it all. I find myself reverting to childhood among these young kids…Not one ounce of an embarrassment coming from me! I am either the silliest person you would want to meet or just a free flying kid in the disguise of a grownup. 😉 The whole concept of letting our inner child out to frolic for a little while today or any day is just such a great idea. Or have I been bitten by the Peter Pan Syndrome bug? Nope, I think not…I just like letting my inner child have a turn every now and then.

It was a fun hour or so, I plan on taking an hour or so each and everyday to let the inner child within me go for it! Yay, for our inner children…Do any of you kind readers agree with me? Think about it and let me know what your thoughts are on this one if you would like to.

I talked to Autumn a short while ago, she simply loved the idea! Also she was so loving hearing about those young girl twinnies. So Autumn is joining me for a time tomorrow for a walk in the park near her house. I am so looking forward to it! The park by her house is a bit bigger than the one near me, think of the possibilities. 🙂 We will let  everyone know how our inner child twinnies do and if you don’t hear from us…Well, we promise we will be back as soon as we can reel in those inner child twinnies! Everyone join us, it’s time to let those inner children loose, Yay! 😉 🙂

Flashback to a Broken Toe, Oh No!

I sometimes run around my house with bare feet, not always the smartest choice. For me anyway it would seem, yet I continue doing it. Maybe it’s fine for other people who don’t run into things randomly with their poor toes. Maybe you watch what you are doing, where you are going better than me? Maybe I am just sometimes in too much of a rush? Maybe other people are more mindful of these things… Well, In that case, you are safe! Today I just had a flashback to my broken toe of 3 years ago. What a really horrible thing that broken toe was, don’t let anyone tell you it doesn’t hurt either! They are clearly lying to make themselves sound brave is all I have to say on the matter. Anyway, the toe incident today was thankfully a bruised one and not a broken one, Yay! It sort of hurts of course, but I can deal with it!  After having that evil broken one, I know the difference now…I learned the hard way.

What a very strange post of it this is making, but I do feel so compelled to share. Well, don’t I always? I was innocently minding my own business, when the edge of a dresser got in the way of my big toe earlier today. 😉 Yeah, sure it did and who am I kidding? I was racing around and oops, slammed it a good one. It will be OK, but memories of that poor little baby toe that got broken came flooding back.

The smallest toe on my left foot it was, what pain and it hurt to walk normally for weeks. With any kind of shoes on and even bare feet…It was just awful. How did I break that one you may want to know? I should feel very stupid to tell that little story, but again I will share. It may save someone reading this from making my mistake. Farfetched as it may probably be, doubtfully this could only happen to me I have a feeling.

OK, I was moving a piece of exercise equipment that was kind of heavy and my hand slipped and I saw stars, seriously! Landing right on my poor little toe, just so and Owww! I am not prone to exaggeration, so believe me when I say…I wouldn’t wish a broken toe on anyone ever. Hopefully none of you kind readers has ever broken a toe, if you have please do share!

Three years ago at the ER and with x-rays it was declared quite the break. I got told, we’re so sorry but we really can’t do anything. Well, short of taping it, trying to give me pain meds and advising ice to reduce swelling and staying off the foot. Yeah, like that was going to happen! I tried, but it wasn’t 100% possible so instead… I hobbled, hopped around, looking like a strange sight. I must confess I am a bit stubborn and quite determined, so I will always get through. So today, it was just a scare and an awful flashback and from now on…I am being very careful with these toes of mine! Wonder if I should look into a pair of steel toed shoes to keep those toes safe? 😉

I know I have shouldn’t complain about a broken toe, even this bruised one. People have had a lot of worse broken bones I know, so do forgive my complaining. The only other break I ever had in my life was a little finger on my right hand. Not pleasant, but I was a teenager and the memory doesn’t seem too bad. Well, there you have a rather strange sharing on this post today!

Wonder if any of you kind readers are wanting to know if Autumn ever broke a toe or other bone? No, the Twinnie did not I am happy to report! Although between us both we sure have had enough other very unusual and some very bad mishaps and injuries. I will save that for another blog perhaps? Or I will spare you all, or perhaps not! 😉 🙂

Are we ever too Old?

In going with my title…I know it’s a kind of strange title perhaps but hang with me please! 🙂 The question is… Are we ever to old for having stuffed animals, riding a merry go round, eating animal cookies that come packaged in those cute little boxes that kids enjoy, licking the favorite flavored lollipop, dancing in the rain, skipping along on a sunshiny day, twirling around until you get kind of dizzy? This thought hit me when I was looking at the stuffed giraffe I have, I started wondering if I was too old to have stuffed animals.
I only have about a half-dozen or so now, I have given some of them to nieces, nephews or friends’ kids. Am I too old for still owning stuffed animals? I say NO… they are fun and really very cute…Sentimental value in every single one of them! 🙂 Too old for the merry-go-round ride or any of the rest? Again, I would have to say NO NEVER! But then of course I will always be young at heart, something nobody can  ever take away from me. Am I immature? No, not in the slightest, I have been through far too many sad and grownup things nobody wants to face.
Riding a merry go round…Am I ever looking forward to the spring and the carnival time, it’s time for a ride! 😉 Eating animal cookies, enjoying a favorite lollipop…Both of them perfectly acceptable to kids and some of us that are kids at heart. Dancing in the rain, well if it’s warm enough weather…What if somebody’s watching? Oh well, guess they will be watching and perhaps maybe wondering. Never stopped me before, would it stop you? Any of these things the stuffed animals, all of it…Who of you kind readers has a thought to share?
What does Autumn have to say about all these questions? This sharing what the Twinnie thinks is always good, isn’t it? Does she agree with me…The answer is of course! Because we are twins is she agreeing? Of course not, thankfully she shares the love of all these fun things! 🙂 We twinnies do share the living like a kid at heart thing. Are we crazy, or are we normal…Oops, no such thing as normal! 😉 I will rephrase that as are we behaving like undignified people? If we are, may it never change! 🙂
Who has any thoughts they would like to share…Are we ever too old for some things? For everybody’s sake, I sure do hope not. If so, you could be missing out on so much fun and so many good times! I will be waiting to see what you kind readers think, so will the Twinnie. We are now heading off…We have to go pick out some lollipops and the sun is out also,  so we will be skipping on the way! 😉 🙂

March 3rd is a Holiday!

It’s a good one, too and I just need to share the news! It’s “I Want You to be Happy Day”,  now that is exciting news isn’t it? Of course it’s not marked on the calendar as a real holiday, although I think it should be!  Just imagine a whole day devoted to wanting others to be happy! 🙂 I am so loving this day already and will be making sure I participate, too. Autumn says she is sure on board about celebrating this day also.

Who doesn’t want to say to everyone they know and love, “I Want You to be Happy”? Or you don’t even have to say it, just make sure everyone you run into or speak with is happy! That’s a nice thought, say it with good vibes if you don’t want to use those exact words. Maybe you are kind of shy and don’t want to blurt it right out. That’s OK, too but just be extra nice and thoughtful instead.It sure couldn’t hurt anything, right? I hope none of you are thinking to yourselves, what a ridiculous holiday…None of you kind readers would think such a thing would you?

Well, if sadly you don’t embrace “I Want You to be Happy Day”, do share your thoughts please. Both of us Twinnies are praying such a thing doesn’t happen, but we are prepared because it really could happen. What if you run into somebody you just plain don’t like? Well, it may just occur…You don’t have to wish them a “I want you to be happy day”. Maybe you could just give them a little smile. It’s worth a try I say, but again I am an optimist…So I will be fully participating! I can’t help myself, either can Autumn…We talked about this day in advance of me writing this post. Let me tell you the Twinnie was just as excited as I was with this news, we are positive it’s a day that will make a difference! 🙂 What do you say kind readers, anybody with us?

Who will be embracing I Want You to be Happy Day? Please do feel free to tell us all about it, we are behind you all the way! I am ending this post now because I am off to wish everyone I encounter an I Want You to be Happy! We Twinnies sure do wish all of you kind readers a very big I Want You to be Happy on this special holiday today…We are saying it with a smile and also a hug! 🙂 🙂

Tell a FairyTale Day is Here!

Yay! It’s finally here, I was so excited to find this day and it’s here at last! 🙂 What a wonderful and fun day, not marked on the calendar of course. I think it most certainly should be though, who is with me? Tell a Fairytale Day is one we all can have some joy in telling fairy tales to the young ones in our circle. It’s a day that should be celebrated with a smile I do think. It brings up so many questions, too.

Only a few questions kind readers, I will try to control myself. 😉  What is your favorite fairytale of all time? What heroine or hero is your all time fave? What fairytale could you hear numerous times and never get tired of? Anyone of you kind readers wish to share? Which one is your least favorite? I know I hope it isn’t true…But do any of you kind readers have one? It is far-fetched but it could happen…Perhaps a bad vibe childhood memory of a certain fairytale? I tried to think of any, but I truly do just love them all and so does Autumn.

You know how that Twinnie is with magic and fairytales…She would speak right up if she had a least  fave. I will share with you all us Twinnies favorites and then you kind readers maybe would like to share yours? I hope so, sharing is so much fun I say and I am always for it! 🙂

I know my total favorite fairytale is Cinderella, because of the glass slipper, the prince and the lovely song. I know there are others I just totally love, but Cinderella tops my list.

As for Autumn, her favorite is Cinderella and she loves Beauty and the Beast, too. That is a nice song, too but of course we have to go on more than songs, don’t we?  We both love it, also Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and too many others to name! I am just overjoyed it really is Tell a Fairytale Day, it just makes me smile and the Twinnie is also smiling! 🙂 🙂 <–See, twin smiles!

Now, it’s your turn kind readers! 🙂 Who wants to share their favorites? It’s OK to  even tell a not so favorite, honest. Sharing really is a lot of fun, too I  say! As always…Inquiring Twinnies would love to hear your opinions and thoughts! 🙂 🙂

How It All Began…

Once upon a time…Oops, this isn’t a fairytale! I do have to interrupt myself since you all may be wondering just what I am talking about anyway. We all know I tend to digress easily and often. So back to the title…How What All Began? I know this is a kind of belated one to be writing about. But, once again it needs telling, in Autumn’s and my humble opinions anyway…How TF <3=Twins Forever began! Autumn and I are so used to using that expression and also the TF <3, we never question why we do it. By the way, it’s kind of our logo for our blog, too as you can see here. Twins Forever and the picture of those cute little twins. Autumn found that picture and it was just too adorable to pass up, we needed it! It’s something we would have done as very young Twinnies. Hands raised proudly and happily proclaiming…Yes, also loudly, proudly and happily Twins Forever! 🙂 Well, until somebody told us to give it a rest already! 😉

We just do the TF <3…It is a special Twinnie thing, I encourage all twins out there to give it a whirl! It’s easy, just do TF <3= Twins Forever! 🙂 You may find yourself liking it and getting a smile every time you sign things that way! 🙂 Our one and only Twin friend in the blogging world is Sherline. You can find her easily at Sherline’s Whatchu Thinkin’ Blog and also Ramblings of a Creative Mind. Please do check out her blogs, she has lots to offer for some very good reading! Now, Sherline has a twin Sharon and no, sorry those twins don’t blog together…Not yet anyway! 😉 Come on you Twinnies do think about it! I sure hope you didn’t mind having the spotlight on you Sherline, but we needed to give you a special mention and a shout out! 🙂

Anyway…Back to how it all began, well ever since we could talk Autumn and I started saying Twins Forever. We loved sharing the news with everybody, I kid you not. We just so overjoyed to tell anyone and everyone who would listen to us. Be it  family, friends and sometimes innocent strangers, passers-by. Well you get the idea, we just were a tiny bit precocious and we just couldn’t help ourselves. 😉 We always called each other Twinnie (and still do), no coaching on anyone’s part. Guess we liked having our own little personal terms of endearment for each other from the start. When we started writing little notes to each other we would do a TF and a little heart and it just kept on, no matter how old we got to be. As you can clearly see, it has never stopped and it never will either, it just is! 🙂 Our parents loved it and got a chuckle out it from the beginning, so we were blessed that way. They didn’t try to stop us, thank goodness for Dad and Mom. Anyway there you have it, TF <3=Twins Forever has now been explained! Hope you enjoyed this one kind readers. 🙂 🙂

What Would You Do? by Gabby

It’s another one of my list of endless questions it seems,  and never do  they ever stop! 🙂 Anyway, here’s the question…If you had one day, all to yourself what would you do for fun? It has to be something fun, the only drawback you are stuck at home. So, the answer has to be something you do at home. Just pretend, it either snowed a whole lot, you were feeling not quite up to par and took a sick day off work. In case you live where it doesn’t snow, again just pretend you have a day off…BUT you can’t leave the house! Just think about it, you can’t do work from the office you brought home either! It has to be just for fun, no working allowed and I mean it. 😉

Your kids are in school or your nice spouse took them somewhere for the day. Your spouse is busy with the kids, or off working, so you will be all alone. One other rule, no you can’t chat with friends or anyone on the phone. No texting allowed either!  Why? Well, it is strictly your day! Do you cringe at the idea? Does it make you feel happy? The other rule, no housecleaning and that sort of thing either…After all, it has to be fun!

Can you entertain yourself for 8 hours or so without being bored? What would you be eating…Again, hopefully it’s something fun like takeout or ice cream! Why make it something healthy, it’s your free to indulge in any food whatever your little heart desires. What would I do? Well, probably read for awhile, maybe some computer time, no emailing people allowed during this time by the way. If texting is out so is emailing.

I might pop a DVD I’d been wanting to watch in. After I did reading, computer time and the movie, I would be listening to music. I would get old pictures out and have a stroll down memory lane. I would maybe do my nails and paint those fingernails and toenails some outrageous fun colors, too. For my food… I would order in some Pizza and also have some other snacks and ice cream. Maybe I would make a sundae out of the ice cream to liven it up while I was at it. See, my day is involving no people, no healthy food…Sounds like it was a relaxing day for me! No exercising? Well, maybe a 30 minute pilates, maybe a spin on my exercise bike…Because it’s very relaxing. That’s the exercise limit of the day only 30 minutes, if you hate exercising…You get to skip it all together! Yay for you! That was my whole day off to myself…What are Autumn’s day off plans  you may be wondering?

Here’s what the Twinnie would plan for day all to herself. She would read some or most of that book she hasn’t had time for. She says she would be listening to music, too. She says her food to order in would be takeout Chinese! Mix herself up a milkshake, have some snacks at hand, too. Other than that…the Twinnie says she would go with the flow and make that day to herself count! What about you kind readers? What are you going to do with that day off all to yourself? Please do share, it will be fun to see what you all have planned! 🙂 🙂

Wooden Puzzle Boxes, Twin Memories… by Gabby

What is that title all about you may be wondering? I was admiring mine earlier and thought of this as a fun post idea. Well, I will be sharing this certain cherished possession each of the Twinnies has. It really is a wooden puzzle box. We love ours, they are still proudly on display in each of our homes. The puzzle boxes are in the shape of a butterfly. Not quite as complicated as some I have seen, but just awesome all the same.

Do all you kind readers know what a puzzle box is? I am sure you do, they are just so cute and have a few pieces that kind of unlock it so to speak. It’s a kind of magic thing, which of course caught both us Twinnies eyes from the very beginning. Dad and Mom must have gotten them when we were very young pre-teen or teenagers, all the sisters of ours has one, too. It became a tradition of sorts…I know, our family was so noted for those it seems! 🙂

The butterfly design we Twinnies both just loved at the time, so our Dad and Mom got us the same thing. Even if we were  13 or so at the time. I guess they wanted to be on the safe side. You know, kind of halting a dispute before it could happen. 😉 I remember when we got them we were just over the moon happy, they were so cool.

Another place to keep secret possessions, a treasured object in or just whatever we wanted to hide from the younger sisters! 😉 Which we did of course, those little sisters could get mighty nosy let me tell you. They tried to snoop into the puzzle boxes from time to time, but they never got close enough to crack the secret code. This is shameful to admit, but we hid them safely away when we weren’t in our room! We did that with anything we thought that little sisters could snoop into…They left us with no choice, again trust me on this.

The objects those little puzzle boxes have held is funny in reflecting on it. Right now, mine has my childhood or younger days tiny little birthstone ring. Imagine my surprise when I asked Autumn what was in hers. I am not kidding…Her very own little garnet birthstone ring! 🙂 Twinnie minds really do think quite alike it seems. What were the chances of both of us doing that? Well, it really does happen more often, the two of us doing or sharing the same thought and all. Kind of magic, too…No, kind readers I am not implying we Twinnies are magic! 😉 I had to share my thoughts on puzzle boxes today and do hope you enjoyed it. 🙂 Do any of you kind readers happen to have a  wooden puzzle box? If so, would be wanting to share? It would be nice to hear about your own personal puzzle box. Because as always, sharing is just so awfully much fun! 🙂 🙂