February is National Wedding Month!

I seriously didn’t know this fact and was rather surprised to hear about this one. February isn’t the warmest of months in our area or a very popular one for those choosing a wedding date. The other surprise was…Dave and I got married on February 5th and we never knew it was National Wedding Month. Well, as some of you kind readers know already that Dave is in Heaven now, losing the battle to evil cancer 9 years ago. So, I can’t actually tell him about this fact in person anyway…But I’ve got a feeling he already knows the news.


Anyway, to be very honest we also didn’t want to get married on Valentine’s Day because seriously everybody aims for that date. Please don’t get me wrong, no offense to all of those who select Valentine’s Day as their wedding day! Dave and me, well we wanted to stand alone and have our wedding date very special and as unique as we were and it was, too. 🙂  Anyway, I was thinking about weddings after reading the fact that its National Wedding Month…Of course inquiring questions kept popping into my head.

Autumn answered one of the questions for me which was thoughtful of her. She said her Darling Man and her will be marrying in one of the warmer months and certainly not on Valentine’s Day or any celebrated holiday. Well, still no date out of the Twinnie and her Darling Man isn’t talking either…They really haven’t set a date yet and that really is the truth of the matter!

How about any of you kind readers thoughts on weddings. It will be fun, chime in with the month you picked to marry. If you haven’t married yet, do you have any particular month in mind? Anybody else marry in this month of February? Do tell please…Sharing is so much fun! 🙂 🙂

I need HELP!! Written by Autumn

Hi Everyone,

I am unable to leave ANYONE a comment. I type the comment, and hit the comment button and it just will disappear 😦

I just wanted you all to know, I am one that does leave comments, and this is very frustrating. I have written to Word Press to try and get some help, no answer yet 😦

Did anyone ever have this problem? Please give me advice if you did 🙂

I can “like” a post, that is all. Just know that I will be back and commenting as always as soon as I get this straightened out.



You are my rock

You are my rock, sturdy and strong

Everything right, nothing is wrong

You heal with a touch

and help me so much

A man set apart

I knew from the start

You’d win my heart

And as time has passed

the feelings still last

You are you, you’re all I see

your strength nourishes me

The love I feel

is oh so real

It grows each day

in every way

A rock is strong it’s true

as are you …

PHOTO CREDIT: Jenn Southworth

Please visit my collection of poems and stories, quotes and blogs

January is National Soup Month! :)

It’s being celebrated all month long…SOUP and it’s National which makes it very, very important! 🙂 What can I say? I really love to celebrate anything and everything as some of you kind readers already know. By the way, so does Autumn…Did anyone doubt it? 😉 We are just fools for anything fun and perhaps sometimes rather silly, too. So I must share this amazing tidbit of news about National Soup Month…Still plenty of days in January left! Who’s going to get cooking?


Those of us living in the colder temperatures of winter, like us here in PA…We totally just have to embrace the making of soup and any kind you wish to make is just up to you. Make whatever your heart desires and share it, freeze it, eat it and you will be all warm inside and it will spread to your outside, too. Soon we will forget the snow, the cold, the wind and racing to whatever heat source we can find…Try it! What have you got to lose and who doesn’t love soup? Oh no, please don’t tell me someone dislikes a nice bowl of warm homemade soup? Well, it can happen because we all are entirely different of course. If you just don’t like soup you can share of course, you will still be treated kindly because that’s the Twinnie way.

So, for myself I cooked up a huge pot of chicken vegetable soup and shared some, froze some and as a matter of fact just had a nice bowl. Totally yummy and I am warm and happy…See my smile? 🙂 I hear tell Autumn and her darling man made a nice batch of chili yesterday…I am ever so happy they intend to share!


One of the funniest things I heard about was one of my neighbors who hates cooking but loves to eat and was prowling the grocery store section where they sell homemade soup. One of the other neighbors told me she was proudly pawning it off as her own cooking of course because she thinks we all don’t know her secret. I’m not being mean, Mrs Y is just one of those people and you see her and run fast into your house. 😉 She can’t help herself, she just isn’t exactly a very happy camper since her divorce because it was all his fault of course. The kids and grandkids don’t visit enough and when they do it isn’t the right day or time…Well, you kind of get the picture.

Back to soup…Sorry I do digress at times! 😉 Anyway kind readers, please do feel free to discuss and chat about your thoughts and all about soup. Sharing is what it’s all about and besides this set of inquiring Twinnies would love to know…We’ll be waiting! 🙂 🙂

Late Night Thunderstorm


When I fell asleep I had no idea I would be woken up with loud crashing, an exciting light show of lots of lightning and just one wild thunderstorm. Wow, but it was loud and that rain was really coming down like crazy. I raced to the windows and got them shut, but hung out enjoying the sights…I love those thunderstorms. Some of you kind readers may perhaps be thinking I am a bit of a nut, but others have to enjoy these storms. If so, please do speak up and share your love of summer storms.

It reminded me of the thunderstorms when we were kids, at first they seemed scary. Being blessed with a Dad and Mom who turned those storms into fun! It sounds silly, and I don’t know how many parents told their kids this same story. It was started so early on with Autumn and me since we are the oldest of 6 girls…I so love the story. Even as a grownup I will always remember Dad and Mom telling us God decided furniture needed to be moved about in Heaven.

OK, that explained the crashes of thunder, right? Well, how did they explain the lightning to us? It was big, big night lights so everybody could see what and where they were moving the furniture of course! Why could we see it on earth both of us young Twinnies had to ask. That was explained as God thought it was nice to share the sights and sounds with his children here on earth. Wasn’t it nice he thought of all of us, and it was nothing to fear. It worked for Autumn and me, then our younger sisters and we thought it quite interesting as well as exciting.

I have heard other people who got told this story that our parents told, I have it on good authority that this story is still being told to the young kids. I have to say I love it, it saves so much stress on the fear factor! I sure wish everybody grew up with this thunderstorm story because sadly I have known friends who just shudder and shake over any thunderstorms. They hate the lightning the worst and jump out of their skins when the thunder starts. That just makes me sad, I don’t like the thoughts of anyone having fear or anxiety.

How about you kind readers? Do you like thunderstorms or do you just kind of deal with the whole thing until it all passes? I have to ask of course, because it’s what I tend to do…I ask a lot of questions! Autumn was curious to know about you kind readers thoughts on this subject, too. So, I’m not alone in my curiosity which is a nice thing as always…Inquiring twins just want to know! I enjoyed my thunderstorm of late last night while Autumn slept her way through it, go figure!


The Friendship Light

The friends we find along the way

stand by our side, come what may

a forever friend is hard to find

fair and kind

I’m glad you are mine

through all sorts of times

a helping hand is near

a friend so dear

I treasure you, my friend

our caring bond will never end

so through thick and thin

we’ll always win

friends forever

parting never

a loving friendship light

is never out of sight …


Please visit my collection of poems and stories, quotes and blogs

Remembering Dad on Father’s Day

This is a day for Autumn and me to honor and celebrate our Dad‘s life. He is no longer with us and every Father’s Day is somewhat difficult for us. We lost our Dad to evil cancer almost 9 years ago, as most of you kind readers know. This year we decided just some thoughts about our Dad and sharing some Father’s Day quotes would be a good thing. We were blessed with the most awesome and loving Dad, he was also our friend. Dad was so loved by our big family, countless friends and he just had that way of including everyone in the love and caring. Being Italian, he looked after all 6 of his daughters and if the guys had intentions of marriage…Dad made sure they were in it with love and total commitment. He was the best Husband to our Mom and Father to all 6 of us, as well as being the best Grandpa! I’m not bragging and trumping any of this up, honestly because it is the absolute truth. One thing that made Dad special is we all just knew whatever bad or sad thing that was going on in our lives he would sure do his level best to fix. He made us laugh, he loved us joining in singing and our house was filled with music. We all learned to love nature and being out-of-doors with camping, hiking, swimming, and the list goes on! He was just the best, we all miss him very much. He knows this of course, Dad is busy watching over all of us from Heaven. As long as his memory is kept alive, he will always be with us…Happy Father’s Dad, we love you!
1.Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a Dad~Anne Geddes
2.He didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it~Clarence Buddington Kellard
3.Old as she was, she still missed her Daddy sometimes~Gloria Naylor
4.There’s something like a line of gold thread running through a man’s words when he talks to his daughter, and gradually over the years it gets to be long enough for you to pick it up in your hand and weave into a cloth that feels like love itself~John Gregory Brown
5.My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me~Jim Valvano
6.What a dreadful thing it must be to have a dull father~Mary Mapes Dodge
7.It is a wise father who knows his own child~William Shakespeare
8.They say from the instant he lays eyes on her, a father adores his daughter. Whoever she grows up to be, she is always to him that little girl in pigtails. She makes him feel like Christmas. In exchange, he makes a secret promise not to see the awkwardness of her teenage years, the mistakes she makes or the secrets she keeps~Author Unknown
9.I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection~Sigmund Freud
10.A father is always making his baby into a little woman. And when she is a woman he turns her back again~Enid Bagnold

Thank You!

I just wanted to take the time to send out a big Thank You to all you friends and kind readers! It really means so much to me that so many of you cared, left kind comments, prayers and get well wishes. It’s a little rougher going than I thought bouncing back from this surgery, but hopefully I will be feeling 100% in no time! Being slowed down has been so frustrating to me, but I know I need this healing time and have to behave myself.

Autumn, my Mom and other family have all been just wonderful in making sure I do just that, too! Please forgive me for not visiting your blogs, I will try my best to get caught up very soon! 🙂 Hugs to you all, Gabby


Violets in bloom

it seems so soon

yet as we walk along the woodland path

we see so many here and back

lovely colors bursting true

some shiny with dew

Violets are growing wild it seems

one of my dreams

fields of lovely purple around

running and falling to the ground

a violet hill, let’s roll along …

smiling violet smiles

all the while

Who can ask for more

I won’t that’s for sure

enjoy the day

dancing all the way!


Please visit my collection of poems and stories, quotes and blogs