The Twins Run Away From Home~ By Gabby Angel

The twins at 5 years old took a bold and gutsy move. We ran away from home!Thinking of this still makes me laugh at our silly selves…We up and ran away clear down the block to our Nana’s house. Yes, I know but when you are 5 years old and pouting at your parents you just throw caution to the wind! 😉 Why were we pouting? Well, if you are following my twin memories…You will remember Autumn and I got a new baby sister just the year before. We loved her, thought she was cute and all..But she took up a lot of Mom’s time.

OK, I admit we were good and huffy, just stomping our feet (literally) mad at Mom and needing attention! How embarassing to think of it now, we had Dad but he was at work this fine early summer day. Autumn and I just got it into our heads we would just take ourselves on our own little jaunt. Right straight to our beloved Nana. This gets dramatic, we packed our smallest little girl suitcases with an odd assortment of clothes and of course our favorite treasures. Mom was of course listening in andhearing our every complaint. “Mom will miss us when we’re gone”, “We won’t come back until we are good and ready” Ha, we’ll show her”. On it went with each complaint accompanied with a stomp, I have to state here that stomping was not encouraged at our house either!

Autumn and I gathered our belongings, dramatically making our exit. We were thought we were quite slick, but Mom was watching our every move. Watching us as we trotted off hand in hand to our Nana’s, Mom was on the telephone with our Nana the whole time! Nana hung up when we amid a flurry of drama waltzed our sorry little selves through the door. She greeted us with hugs and smiles like always, saying “what a nice surprise girls!”

She was behaving like nothing was wrong, so of course we pipe up with our complaints! Nana proceeded to distract us with baking cookies, playing with her kitty Pearlie and later hanging out under our favorite spot the willow tree. After all was said and done she had us forgetting all about our huff at Mom!:) Our beloved and special Nana, well she fixed our sad little day and reminded us we were loved by many and jealousy was not attractive. We promised to be good big sisters and she walked us back home. Hugs for Mom and Dad who was home from work now, all was fine in our little worlds once again! We promised not to run away again without permission ;), laughable because we saw our Nana almost everyday.

! I have to add, it was of course a blessing to have our Nana and the parents we had because patience goes a long way when it come to us twinnies! 😉

Designed with love

The package that is us

you and me

I see

is designed with love so strong

all is right, nothing wrong

We belong


each day is getting better

It’s like a dream

we seem

to light

the night

and shine through the day

it is our way

as we stay

happy and and we may


Hello, World

we shall twirl

and whirl

and swirl

as we dance

our way in Love…

Trick or Treat Twins~By Gabby Angel

This adventure features the twinnies and again the neighbor boys. Trick or Treating done on October 31st , Halloween here in the US, what fun! I know the day also means other things. Bear with me please, this involves costumes and all with Tim and Alex joining us. They have been featured with Autumn and I on several adventures now. As they were involved in many of our “twin memories”, this one too is begging to be written. Please read on, I think you will get a few smiles! Autumn and I had been planning our costumes for weeks. This one is at 6-7 years old, closer to 7 because our birthday is in January.

Back to the story, sorry but my mind gets ahead of me at times 😉 I wanted to be a princess, Autumn just begging to be Tinkerbell, seriously. No, we didn’t want to dress in similar costumes this time. As always, Autumn saying she knew Tinkerbell had blond hair. And no, she wasn’t asking Mom to go blond! 😉 Tim was going to be a pirate, Captain Hook he said since his buddy Autumn was going as Tinkerbell. I confess I did plead my case to Alex to be Prince Charming, to match my princess get-up. No way, he was being a cowboy…John Wayne, was one of his heroes at the time.

Halloween night rolls around and we all meet up with our Moms (Lucky them!) 😉 They walked with us around our neighborhood as went door to door, to what amounts to asking for candy and treats. Small town, traditions and all the kids were doing it…Also so very safe back then. We all were behaving fairly well. Autumn and Tim were teasing and pushing each other, but that was fairly normal for those two. I must say Autumn not pleased when Tim hooked his Capt. Hook “hook “in her fancy hair up-do! 🙂 The Moms got them settled down and on we went smiling, laughing and collecting so many treats!

Last block and no major mishaps, the Mom probably wanted to do a Happy Dance! Next house Mrs B she answered with a smile, opening the door. Oops, luck ran out..Autumn and Tim spotted her cat beside her and reached to pet her. Yikes poor Patches liked us all, but wasn’t in the mood to be petted. Off she went out the front door and up a tree! Patches was an inside cat but thankfully still had claws to climb and climb she did! Way, way up she climbed in the maple tree..Mrs. B. was very upset! She fetched nice Mr B. who got a ladder and coaxed Patches down close enough to reach her. Yay!! Mr. B. saved the day and all adults smiling now. The Moms hurried us away after good byes to Mr and Mrs B.

A lecture for Autumn and Tim, who had the nerve to start whining “We didn’t get treats from Mrs. B.” That ended our night of trick or tricking, no more houses were visited and we all retreated to our separate homes. The Moms no doubt to get some headache remedy or perhaps a small glass of wine! 😉 Halloween and trick or treating over for the year with one small mishap! 😉 Not really, it had caused plenty of commotion and attention to other parents and Trick or Treating kids. Not to mention poor Patches and Mrs B. She forgave of course, but Autumn and Tim’s stunt “haunted” them for months. 😉 It was talked about by many adult neighbors and kids as well…What a pair those two could be!  Hope you enjoyed this one and see you all soon! 🙂

Sing to me … ~ By Autumn Sunshine

Sing to me

I love to be

listening to your guitar weep


me away…

I will stay

day after day

lost in love

stars above

white doves

happy smiles

endless miles

My Forever man

you can

take my hand

and walk in the sunshine…

with me

we’re free

let’s be

and see

only the love


just sing to me awhile

with your rocking style

I could look into your eyes


My Dandelion Memories ~ by Gabby Angel

As very young girls Autumn and I would pick dandelions to be used in making wine. As we were young, it was just fun because we were helping and we did love to help!  We learned you picked the dandelions in late morning to early afternoon when the flowers would be fully opened. *No, I won’t be boring and tell the whole process, you all can look it up if you feel compelled to get the recipe! 😉 Autumn and I watched all the time, love and patience put into making this wine and how it all was finally put into bottles to set for months.

I do need to say, while in that crock while brewing those dandelion heads and orange slices looked harmless dancing about together!  What is truly the key to how stong the wine gets is “the longer it sits, the stronger it gets”, well here I am  rhyming without intent!  Watching the grownups drinking this (not to excess) and enoying it just seemed so elegant in those pretty wine glasses.

When you are a young child, you listen when they say “this drink is not for children”. Well, as you get a bit older and hit about 15 years old, you just get more curious…At least that was the case for Autumn and me. Those bottles on the shelf seemed to be calling our names! So one fine Friday night, after everyone else was off to bed while Autumn and I were still awake chatting and listening to our music. When we clearly heard those wine bottles calling…”Gabby, Autumn come have a taste!” We got out those pretty wineglasses and felt ever so grown up and adult, filling those glasses full. I will confess I was pouring for us, Autumn was being far too giggly and dancing around over the new experience and adventure we were embarking on. We proceeded to down a few glasses, still chatting, laughing (everything seemes so funny!) and dancing …Just having a good old time of it. Before long, we were both feeling a bit tipsy, of course getting louder and Autumn was posing with her wineglass saying, “I look at least 18 now, don’t I?” Which cracked me up, giggling so hard and loud as guess who cranked up the music? 😉 Naturally it woke up our parents after awhile…We were being so quiet and careful just how did it happen that our Dad suddenly appeared? Much to our surprise Dad was kind of funny and said “Enough girls, you aren’t in trouble now but you will be in the morning” as he herded us off our beds.

. Leave it to bold Autumn, after Dad closed our door to say giggly and proudly…”I just knew it, see Gabs we aren’t even in trouble!” What a true joke that turned out to be, for real. Saturday morning rolled around and Dad rolled in waking us both up Very Loudly, singing a tune and saying “Come on girls, let’s rise and shine!” We both were awake by then, feeling lousy, headaches and just plain miserable.

Whining (No pun intended) ;), both of us carried on to Dad to let us sleep, we feel sick! “Of course you do, this is your lesson”, said Dad…”You found your own trouble, your punishment is one you brought on yourselves and now time to get around and get to your Saturday morning chores”. Dad was a wise one all right…Mom and him knew we wouldn’t need grounded or in any big trouble. Instead we got to haul those hangovers along with us as we did our chores! Yuck, it was a miserable day to say the least and these type of lessons learned sure do stay with you, trust me! 😉 🙂

The road back ~By Autumn Sunshine

We travel back the same way

From the path we followed yesterday

Today we are so strong

nothing going wrong

We sing our song

going along

holding hands

we know we can

climb any mountain…



I never

loved a man like you

each day so new

we made it and it’s really true

that we will grow

and show

and sow

our lives


a new vine


We win…

The Twins Ruffle Some Feathers~BY Gabby Angel

Another fun memory of the twinnies 🙂 I was reading something and noticed a petting zoo advertised  just the other day. That really brought this memory to mind. Some of our adventure and stunts really were quite innocent … But ended up causing us big trouble. This happens to be one of them … Hang on everyone for we are off to the petting zoo 🙂

It was exciting, we were gearing up for a day trip to a petting zoo maybe 50-60 miles away. Autumn and I were about 9 yrs. old, the oldest girls and also the most responsible. 😉 We started out early in the morning, everyone happy and geared up for a fun time. It was just us twinnies and two sisters, Mom and Dad just knew they could handle this one…or so they thought. 🙂 We all were settled in the car, a station wagon of course and singing and doing some chatting on the way…everything going well. Oh yeah, except for several are we there yets and how much longer, and when will we be there ? Finally, we arrived at the petting zoo! We saw so many different animals, got to pet and feed them, pose for pictures with some…Which of course Autumn and I loved, we were a bit of the divas back then when it came to pictures. We especially loved the baby lambs who were soft and made cute sounds.

There was a lot to see and take in…Behaving pretty good so far. OK, well except for a bit of showing off to some of the other visitors who were intrigued by the “twin concept”…Giving us compliments and also Mom and Dad. We were little hams and a tiny bit show offy. Oh my, but I do make us sound vain which we weren’t…we just reveled in the admiration. 😉 It was really only a little dancing about and a few bars of our favorite song…Well, Dad got us calmed right down with “the look” and his promise of some singing on the ride back home.

We finally came to upon our most anticipated animal … The peacocks! The beautiful colors of the male’s feathers caught our eyes and both Autumn and I thought there was something special and magical about the peacocks. We were allowed to give them food, but no petting because they didn’t like that. One minute everything was fine and the next a small ruckus broke out … The twinnies thought it was OK to pick up some feathers from the ground and the peacocks thought not! They just turned on us…Weren’t they are friends? The sounds they were making, the feathers getting ruffled just scared us silly. A few more guides and helpers rolled in to calm things down…The look on Mom and Dad’s faces, we were going to be in some big trouble!

Crying because no feathers were collected and upset at the rumble of it all, the little sisters were pretty good kind of looking at Autumn and I in surprise and maybe disgust perhaps. We were nicely 😉 asked to please move along to the last exhibit, alas with still some sniffling over peacocks gone wild and No Feathers!

Last exhibit was the ponies, we got to pet them and have a little ride…giving Mom and Dad a short break. 😉  It was fun, more pictures, more posing and off to the car to head back home! Autumn and I were only given a short lecture, what a relief because Mom and Dad understood sometimes peacocks really can get excitable after all.

The little sisters fell asleep in the car…Autumn and I were chatting and singing softly with Dad, before we knew our house appeared and another adventure over! 🙂

Believe~by Autumn Sunshine


It’s so total

this trust

I must

tell you

again and again

this is  real

and I feel

and seal

the deal

with a million kisses …

I love you

I do


and always …

We’re on track

and we won’t look back

at what we once lacked

On our way to here

we came so near

of losing all that was dear

and so much fear …

but here we are

and two shining stars

Let’s go on our way

into a brand new day…

The Twins love Hats~By Gabby Angel

When young girls of 3 years old until way into early teens…The twinnies just loved hats! We were always on the hunt for the new and unusual. From Mickey Mouse ears, which we insisted were  more fashionable worn backwards to cowboy hats, etc. We had so many anything worn on our heads was intriguing! Starting so young, we just loved pretending we were the characters of the certain hat we chose to wear.

What can I say? Twinnies do make their own fun even when quite silly to others! The Indian feathers, the tiaras, wide brimmed Southern belle type sun hats, scarves fashioned in unusual styles and the list goes on! 🙂 Our Mom and Dad used to get driven round the bend when we insisted the hats were just fine to wear on the most ridiculous occasions. We progressed to beaded leather headbands, shiny and sparkly scarves styled like gypsies, exotic looking brightly patterned cloth headbands as young teens.

We were blessed to have a wonderful next door neighbor girl who was 5 or 6 years older that helped us fashion paper hats which was a new one to us! Dusty was so patient and kind, very much fun and she encouraged our love of hats! 🙂 If you watch back our home movies that Dad loved to take, many and such a variety of the different, exciting hats we owned. Autumn an I watched them with our Mom just a short while ago and that did kick off this particular “Twin Memory”. 🙂

Mom loved elaborating to us how we even “borrowed” her hats and yes we witnessed the home movies and the pictures for ourselves. Luckily none were damaged or injured so Mom’s hats remained safe! 🙂 Dad wasn’t safe from the hat hurrah either, we borrowed his bandana handkerchiefs and  styled those every which way on our pretty little twinnie heads, too! He used to just crack up laughing at our “style sense” at times! 🙂 A lovely memory that is, our Dad possessed a beautiful & infectious kind of joyous laugh. I can still hear his laugh and it brings lots of smiles and good memories, but also the tears still of losing him to cancer much too young. Autumn and I try to concentrate on the smiles. So, we twinnies as you can tell rarely met a hat we didn’t just simply love! 🙂

Autumn rarely wears a hat these days, I must confess I still do. My collection only consists on maybe 8 of them these days, but I’ve been thinking of adding to them! Maybe trying to get Autumn to join me to recapture our younger selves and embrace our “inner child” which I feel can be a joy to everyone, that’s only my very own personal thought. Hopefully you enjoyed yet another stroll down Autumn’s and my “Twin Memory Lane”. Perhaps it inspired you to all to drag out your own hats and just have fun, wear them proudly! 😉 After all, in life we all do wear our many hats as needed, sometimes real and other times they flow with each job or responsibility we take on!

See you next time for another one of my many, many Twinnies Blogs! 🙂

My Love ~ By Autumn Sunshine

My Love … this time

So very intense,
So serious
My love …

Making me feel so much
And it is such
A brand new feeling
Overwhelms me
I see…

Taking me to places
That I have not visited
In a very long time …

I refuse to stay on this earth alone
I’m going with you
I’ve learned …

Around and believe
that I will not leave
I only weave
visions of you and me
me and you…

Life is what we make it be
and as you see
love is real
and I seal
the deal
with a kiss
I love you…