One lovely blog award

Wow, Gabby and I have been nominated for this lovely award from our dear friend and fellow blogger, , what a nice surprise!! Thank you so much, Soma.

There are no rules to how many one can nominate so go ahead and spread love and warmth 🙂

We nominate:

Congrats, everyone!!! Hugs, Autumn and Gabby

A Smile For the Day ~ By Gabby Angel

This happened yesterday and I am still laughing to myself. My neighbor and I met up while I was hanging my Christmas wreath on my door. She was heading for her car, her little granddaughter who is about  6 years old in tow. I can never get over how chatty this little girl is, she just talks so much! Being pretty chatty myself, I can only say Katie, this ever so cute young girl is off to a great start. Not a shy bone in her body, Katie will sometimes share  a bit too much information.

She came over to give me a hug and her greeting to me friendly as always. Her words spilling over each other I need to add. “Hi Gabby and how are you, how’s Autumn, haven’t seen her for awhile,all ready for Christmas, Christmas is my total favorite!” On she went…Your wreath is pretty, I am getting a new baby sister or brother and not sure which, but I want a sister.” I answered all her questions and statements, I think.

While Emma her grandmother chuckled and gave me a smile, saying how excited they were about the expected baby. Also telling me how bad her daughter’s morning sickness was, but hoping it would pass. Katie barged in to the conversation with “morning sickness means the barfing thing, yuck”. Emma and I laughed as Katie kept rolling…”I bet it’s a boy, they can make you sick sometimes”.

On she went about an annoying little boy in her class and how he always was telling her how pretty she was and had even kissed her on the cheek! Gutsy little boys in first grade these days it seems. I don’t recall them being quite so bold in Autumn’s and my young school days!

Anyway, Katie said this funniest thing about how said little boy Jake told her he loved her so much he just couldn’t say…Emma and I were both laughing again on that one. Kind of cute expression, I have to admire that boy he seemed to have quite a way with words. Emma told Katie it was time to get going, that they had to get to the grocery store. OK Katie agreed and gave me a nice hug goodbye, Emma and I exchanged goodbyes and she led Katie to the car.

I was still smiling and chuckling to myself as I went inside my house, little Katie…She is so funny and made my day. Oh, to be a kid again! 🙂

Christmas Cards… ~ by Gabby Angel

Upon checking my mail today, oh my goodness…Quite a few Christmas cards had rolled in! How is this possible? I know we are only about three weeks away from the big day, but I haven’t even started mine yet. Wow, some of my family and friends are quite the early birds or am I running late this year? Hmm…I it could be either way, I’m not sure.
November flew by and here we are on the very first week of December, how did that happen? I do feel somewhat hopelessly behind now, opening that mailbox caused just a tiny bit of panic. Sometimes it doesn’t take much with me! I do feel like I am perhaps slacking maybe a little, or am I?
The variety so far this year just amazed me. All so pretty and cheerful with lots of handwritten notes on most of them, I am blessed I know. Well, the relative who will remain nameless had the usual Family Christmas Letter. It was wild and hectic as ever, making me ponder. How in the world do two adults and two teenagers have time to do all that stuff over just one year’s time? I am not kidding, it was rather exhausting just reading it! All these busy people, already having the Christmas cards sent out…I will start mine later, or tomorrow, maybe.
How many of you kind readers already have your Christmas cards sent out? Is it a bit early do you think? I am wanting reassurance, Autumn is also wondering. The twinnie hasn’t touched her lovely boxes of cards yet either, by the way. We twinnies bought ours at the same time a couple weeks ago.Reassuring each other we would have them done early this year.
Let Autumn and I know…Are your Christmas cards sent out yet or are they patiently sitting in their boxes? No pressure, inquiring twinnies just want to know. 😉 🙂

The Magic of Christmas Lights ~ Gabby Angel

There really is something so magical about Christmas lights, it makes you smile. What am I talking about? Guess it would be good to explain…Here goes.

Last night Autumn and I decided to take a little cruise around our home town, where she lives. As kids we always took rides around town to look at Christams lights, such magic and so awesome.There used to be one street where the whole entire street was decked out, every house coordinated. Lights were strung all over, I have to say that street takes the prize for pure magic. They even changed the street name during the Christmas holidays to Candy Cane Lane, for real they did!

I am only 3 miles away from Autumn and our home town, but we do live in separate towns. I know, go figure? My little town has some nice lights and all…But it really is a very small town. One main road through town and no traffic lights, what does that tell you?

Does anyone remember as kids, even as grownups driving around looking at the Christmas lights? All the houses glowing brightly. Decorations and almost every house all decked out…It is just plain magic! We really did have a wonderful time, it was relaxing and uplifting. It seems more houses were light up this year…Some very unusual and quite lovely. So, we twinnies cruised around just having a good old time of it.

We laughed about the most decked house with millions of lights and also those huge blow up lawn globes. It was just a tad overdone, but everyone does it their way right? What memories does anyone care to share…We twinnies would love to know!

The one bright moment was Autumn and I didn’t have the GPS system on and we didn’t get lost! That’s where everyone needs to laugh…It would be quite pitiful getting lost in our own hometown wouldn’t it? 😉 🙂

Angel ornaments and Dave… ~Gabby Angel

I got out my ornaments today, in hopes of getting my Christmas tree decorated. Doing kind of OK until I opened one box. There they were, the lovely silver angel ornaments my husband Dave had gotten for me. It was in 2001, he died May 30th of 2003.

There are a half dozen beauful angels, very unusal and I loved them upon first sight. He got to enjoy them with me for two Christmases…That’s a happy memory. Big mistake on trying for the tree being decorated today, it’s exactly 8 & 1/2 years to the day I lost him to that evil beast cancer.

I try not to pay attention to the 30th of every month, but I usually fail. That may sound rather strange to some people. It’s just the way I am, I make no apologizes for my feelings about Dave to anyone. Anyway, these angel ornaments…Just looking at them reduced me to tears again. The tears dripped onto the angels making me feel even worse. Such a beautiful and loving gift, I feel guilty because Dave doesn’t want me to be sad. I miss him… he was my husband, soulmate and to be taken so young.

It is more difficult at the holidays…It always is, sadly I never quite get used to that. I ended up putting all my ornaments away, maybe tomorrow I will be able to decorate the tree. Maybe tomorrow…I will feel stronger. Maybe tomorrow I won’t cry. Maybe the angel ornaments will work their magic and I can smile. Some days are just more difficult than others. Anyone reading Autumn’s and my blog, you must realize I am an optimistic person.I strive to somehow reach for the upside, the positive. To find a degree of happiness and joy every single day I am alive.Unless you have felt my loss, which I wish on nobody…I suppose it’s hard to understand.

I will round up my twinnie to help me decorate the tree. Autumn will help me make it more joyful, perhaps we will find things to laugh about. We can hang those angel ornaments up together. She is my twin sister, I am blessed…I never take that for granted, never. She knows how I am feeling and helps me as she has been doing since Dave was diagnosed in 1998. Thank you twinnie, for always being there for me…I love you, TF <3=Twins Forever.

Sunlight ~ by Autumn Sunshine

I really have got to say

if I may

You are the sunlight in my day

My forever man

you make me stand

so happy and content

rays of sunlight sent

all around


us both with safe keeping


through and through

as I always knew

could happen some day

so much joy

we just enjoy

Today that is ours, yours and mine

It’s our time to shine

As we walk along our beach

we reach

for what we love the most

we never boast

for the fortunes can change

and rearrange

We just smile and walk into the sunlight

hand in hand …

Chai Tea Delivery ~ By Gabby Angel

Earlier in another blog I had mentioned my new greek yogurt addiction. Now…It’s time to talk about Autumn’s chai tea addiction! I did ask my twin’s permission before I wrote this. See, anything goes with us twinnies because we share immensely…Maybe too much at times? If nothing else we are honest! Perhaps we make you nice people reading ponder and wonder about the pair of us?

Getting back to Autumn’s addiction…She is very seriously addicted to chai tea. I like it, too but not nearly as much as she does. She is prone to panic when running a bit low, which is why it’s a good thing I keep it on hand. This happened one day last week, the grocery stores had closed and I get a pitiful telephone call from her.She followed up with a frantic e-mail, too in case I wasn’t able to answer the phone by the way.

Oh, Autumn is addicted to her chai tea…Need I say much more? It was kind of just plain pitiful, but she was really upset. Turns out she thought she had an extra box, she didn’t. So, I had to make a late night chai tea delivery to her…Thankfully we only live three miles apart! Besides, I knew she would have done this for me…At least I would like to hope so!

Chai tea a unique taste and either you love it or hate it. I was thinking about all the people I know who drink this and love it. I need to add, none are quite as enamored of it as Autumn is though.Then, the other side of the coin other people are happy to say they simply detest it.

Wonder how many of you reading of this like or love chai tea? Wonder how many of you totally dislike the stuff? Anyone want to share? No pressure, I bet Autumn most people may find this a wacky topic and wouldn’t be interested to say either way. She says people would love to respond.

Hmm…Well, we will see which twin turns out right. I am curious after thinking of how Autumn just can’t function properly without her chai tea. She will be the first to admit it, go ahead and ask her…Autumn isn’t shy about sharing. 😉 🙂

Take the Time to Laugh …By Gabby Angel

It is the music of the soul.  Think about that one…Take the time to laugh, it is the music of the soul. It really and truly is! Laughter is one of the best and most uplifting things we can do for ourselves. I have been a firm believer in this one all of my life. How healing laughter can be!

I actually own a pewter plaque with this saying engraved on it. I have it hanging in a spot where I can see it often. Just a gentle reminder to myself.  It was a special gift to myself just a few years ago. I found it in a craft shop and just knew I needed it as my own. It just seemed one of those things that speak to you and you just need to own it! Of course growing up in the family I did there was always a lot of laughing.

My Dad, who we lost to cancer eight years ago. Well, this one one of his favorite sayings also, so it reminded me so much of Dad. My Dad’s laugh was so magical and so very contageous and just somehow just very joyful. I can close my eyes and just hear his laugh and picture his face, what a happy guy he was!

Autumn and I were talking about this just last night. It was after we recovered from a wild bout of laughter shared between us. Oh my, the twinnies that we are, we can crack each other up quite easily. Most times in an appropriate place and sometimes not.  When we settled down from the laughing jag, we talked about how Dad’s laugh was a guarenteed smile, a wonderful memory, too. It was his thinking, why waste time crying when you can laugh instead. Having six daughters, I bet Dad must have said this every single day if not more. Well, we did grow up laughing quite a lot. We were very blessed, we got an early start to a positive look at life. Of course there were tears, we are only human after all.

In my travels through this life I have noticed so many people do not, just will not smile and laughing…Well, forget about it! They are the people I feel the most sorry for. How sad and empty their lives must be. I believe working with the public for so many years really showed me the many faces of happy vs. unhappy. Smiles vs. frowns. Being the type of person I am, it was always a quest of mine to get those with frowns or unhappy expressions to smile. Not necessarily to make them laugh, but just to smile…Sometimes it worked but the majority of time it didn’t.

Managing a small store together, Autumn and  I once spent one entire day taking our silent survey for ourselves.The pitiful percentage was there were honestly more of those unhappy expressions than there were of the happy ones. Even trying our best, we just couldn’t get a smile out out of those frowners. That bothered both of us so much. I know we are kind of strange perhaps. I just hope those reading this will think about it. Please everyone, try to laugh more! You will be so much happier and healthier, I just know it. Give it a try, what have you got to lose? 🙂

*  PS I need to add this tidbit of information,too. I typed the words “Take the time to laugh” into my favorite search engine. I discovered an interesting fact indeed. The words “Take the Time to Laugh, It is the Music of the Soul” were written on the wall of Missionaries of Charity Children’s home. Calcutta, India

Don’t You Ever Just Want to Sing it Out Loud?~by Gabby Angel

I sing in the car when driving along to anywhere and everywhere. Of course I have a CD I am singing along with…The looks I get? 😉 OK, I must admit they are mixed, not that any of it matters to me. Because I really and truly aways “Have to Sing it Out Loud!” Growing up with music and having Dad always be singing is no doubt a lot of where this comes from.

Being married to a musician, perhaps strengthened it quite a bit. What brought this thought to mind…The other day when I was on my way to Autumn’s house. My car window was down,  it had turned into a warmer day than I had thought it would be. I was as usual singing along and when stopped at a red light I had some guy sitting on his porch yell question to me. It was “Are you talking to yourself or what?” It made me laugh, but he seemed concerned so I answered. “No, I was singing along to a song and don’t you ever just want to sing it out loud?” He smiled and laughed, said he was a bad singer so no.” But you carry on, you look happy.” Adding a thumbs up with his comment. The light turned to green and I drove on to Autumn’s house. I told her of this happening and we laughed, singing along to us was normal and quite second nature.

We set off to a store in town, both singing to my CD. 🙂 We were shopping around picking up the few things we each needed. When a favorite song of both of ours came on , the store had a lovely radio station tuned in. I started singing along softly without really thinking, honestly. Autumn joined in with me…The next aisle over a kind older gentleman smiled at us. Remarking “It’s nice to see you girls enjoying the music”. His wife had by this time joined him and smiled and said “You girls don’t need to stop singing on our account. You have lovely voices.” Autumn and I exchanged looks, now somewhat feeling embarrassed. We thanked the nice couple again and moved along, last aisle to go!

Another favorite tune came on and I couldn’t help it I started singing Very Softly. Autumn had joined in…It was a song Dave and Craig had sang in their band days and we both really loved it. We again got a comment from a guy who was walking toward us and shopping. “Wow, what a duo you are! Great tune isn’t it? Man, you two have got to be twins…You look familiar!”

Thankfully Autumn answered and turns out he did go to school with us, after all. We had a brief chat with him about school days and music. I had to ask him my question…”Doesn’t the music just ever make you want to sing it out loud?” I am so naive actually how I innocently ask things, but always seeming to never be able to stop myself. After all he could have replied rather unkindly or thought we twinnies really were a bit off the wall. “Yes it does make me want to sing along, but don’t quite have the nerve. My voice isn’t all that good, not like you two have anyway!”

Oh, come on I thought to myself…another person claiming to have a not so good voice? Maybe us twinnies were indeed alone in the wanting to sing it out loud after all. We do march to the beat of our own drummer and always have. We nicely thanked him and chatted a few more minutes…I nudged Autumn hurrying her along with me. Off to the check out line for us. A nice younger girl we know was there, both Autumn and I happy to see her. She was singing along to the song that was now on! A kindred soul, Jess was and we all had a nice little chat while she was ringing up our purchases. Jess is one highly amusing and just one happy 18 year old! She is just a joy to know and always in such a positive frame of mind. She waved us off as we were opening the door to leave, reminding us to “Remember to always sing it out loud!”

It’s nice to find these kindred souls, isn’t it? Autumn and I both will continuing looking for them as we travel through our days. 🙂

There Are Two of You! ~ By Gabby Angel

I was pulling into Autumn’s driveway earlier today. Nothing new, we see each other quite often since we only live a few miles apart. We were heading out for an early dinner and some time together.
 I noticed the little next door neighbor boy in his front yard and I waved. He is a nice little boy about 7 or 8 years old and is always friendly and ready for a chat. His name is Garrett, and he had a friend with him who I had never seen before. Politely as could be Garrett introduced his friend Sam, telling me that Sam was a new school friend. The boys and I chatted for a few minutes, Autumn had must have seen me pull up because she came out of the house. Sam’s eyes got very big, looking back and forth between Autumn and me several times. He finally stammered out “There are two of you!”
Autumn and I both started laughing, we had heard this often throughout our lives. Too many times to count to be quite honest! Garrett piped up and was laughing, He told his friend with a big smile “Cause they’re twins Sam!” That kind of made poor little Sam speechless, he was too busy still looking at the both of us. Autumn feeling sorry for the poor kid, explained we were twin sisters and the whole concept. That seemed to satisfy Sam, who then shared with us all a funny little story.
It seems Sam had an older sister who was fond of telling him he always was imagining things. That made us all smile kindly, the poor child must have a real peach for a big sister. Who would pick on a little brother with such statements? Yeah, I know it happens…But it struck me as rather mean. Autumn and I chatted a little longer with the boys and then bid them goodbye.
Once we were settled in the car and I had pulled out of her driveway we both burst out laughing again. We took a stroll down memory lane of the reaction we have gotten with the “twin thing” over our dinner. It used to be more of a novelty when we were those boys age, being twins I mean. I thought there were more sets of twins, even triplets and mulitples floating around these days.
Well, we do live in a small town so there are a few sets of twins around, but not many. Throughout our school days, we were the only identical twins in existance…We got many looks, questions and some down right heavy duty staring.It seems we still do! Anyway, it really is fun and very much a blessing for us to be twins and always have our best buddy never too far away. We will always probably attract attention of some nature, but for Autumn’s and my sake I hope it is in a good way!
How many of you readers know twins, are twins or have any twin tidbits to share? Autumn and I would love to hear them, we really would! 🙂