Here we are…It’s Christmas Eve and tomorrow is Christmas Day. Autumn and I would like to take this time to say Merry Christmas to all of you! We hope you have a beautiful day filled with smiles, magic and also the making of wonderful memories. May everyone be blessed, happy and well. Whatever way you celebrate, may it just be a beautiful day. The twinnies need to thank all of you who have been so kind to us. Reading our work, being so supportive with comments, Likes, feedback, friendship and also the surprise awards! It all means more to us than we can ever say. Hugs to all of you…You all have been one of the best gifts we could ask for!! 🙂 🙂 ~  Autumn and Gabby ~

Christmas Quotes… ~ By Gabby Angel

I thought this might be interesting to share with everyone. Earlier I was looking at Christmas quotes and found a few I liked, something to think about…Hope you enjoy them. Something to ponder for the day! 🙂
Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.~Norman Vincent Peale
May peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through.~Author Unknown
At Christmas all roads lead home.~Marjorie Holmes
I wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month.~Harlan Miller
May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope; the Spirit of Christmas which is peace; The heart of Christmas which is love.~Ada V. Hendricks
Christmas gift suggestions: To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect.~Oren Arnold

Christmas Kisses and Candy Canes ~ by Autumn Sunshine

What is your favorite?

Christmas Kisses or Candy canes,

All candies  are sure not the same

it’s all in the name

I have to vote for a kiss

those never miss

At holiday time it seems to me

that we all want a treat to be

better than all the rest

so make a choice or maybe try both

chocolate from Hershey’s

or peppermint canes

I hope this makes you smile

If only for a little while

both candies have style  😉

Kissing Under the Mistletoe… ~Gabby Angel

How did it begin anyway? Who started this  Christmas tradition anyway? Does anyone know? I for one didn’t, so I did some investigating. Kissing under the mistletoe, so romantic and so many people hang that mistletoe faithfully every year. It seems to be it is a magical and mysticial plant…

But, here’s a not so romantic thought! Mistletoe is labeled under the botantical classification as “partial parasite“. Yuck, no that doesn’t sound very nice does it? No romance found in the word “parasite” is there? The berries found on mistletoe are poisionous…I am sure others knew this. Oh my goodness,  this is sounding not so good. I am not trying to bash the heart warming tradition, honest I’m not! Dave and I hung plenty of mistletoe around our house every Christmas, same as I’m sure all of you do.

To lighten up the not so nice parasite thing and all, one story goes like this. Legend has it that mistletoe was hung in farmhouses and kitchens at Christmas. The young men had the privelege of kissing the young girls under said mistletoe. Each kiss, they had to pluck a berry, when the berries were gone the privelege of kissing stopped! Well, go figure and wonder just how many berries were on that bunch of mistletoe? Makes you wonder and ponder, doesn’t it? Thankfully it’s modern times and nobody has to follow any rules..Anything goes!

Happily hang that mistletoe and kiss as long as you want and keep that fine tradition going! After all, what happens under the mistletoe stays under the mistletoe! 😉 🙂

Christmas Stockings and Other Ponderings… ~ Gabby Angel

That’s what I do a lot, I ponder and I wonder. 🙂 Well, there could be worse things I could be doing! Anyway, I was thinking about the Christmas stockings we had as kids. We faithfully hung them out before Christmas Eve and really did love those stocking  stuffers.

That leads me to my next question…How many of you kind readers got an orange, tangerine or other fruit in their stocking? Just wondering…We always did. I know Autumn and I would have missed it if we didn’t, it was just a comforting tradition to us. Wondering if that made us rather unusual? Oh well, like that would be a first for us! 😉 Other assorted cute little things went in our Christmas stockings.  Nothing as elaborate or exciting as kids these days expect. I took a poll among the nieces and nephews… So, I know these things and don’t hesitate to share them. 😉

The other thing I was pondering…Does everyone unwrap gifts on Christmas Day or Christmas morning? As kids, we unwrapped on the traditional Christmas morning. Strangely enough,  Dave and I carried on that tradition. I know sometimes things change from when you are at home as kids with Dad, Mom and the family. Then you grow up and get married for some people things change as you make your own traditons.

Another thing I was pondering… Hope all you kind readers also have all your Christmas shopping done!  Some people I know really do shop up until Christmas Eve…Too stressful I say. My years (and the twinnie’s, too) of retail taught me that one…It really was scary, as bad as Black Friday seriously. Maybe worse, because by December 24th everyone not done shopping is pretty panicked and just a bit frantic.

The ponderings and wonderings…Time to wrap them up! 😉 That was a pun, hope you all have your gift wrapping or gift bagging done! Get busy if you don’t, mine is done and so is Autumn’s…Well, that’s what the twinnie claims anyway. 😉 🙂

The Magic Christmas Angel ~ by Autumn Sunshine

She arrived in time to check things out

She’s an angel and she’s flying all about,

Such a little scout

she sees this and that

and sets it all right

Up she flies in a lovely flight

then she comes in for a landing fast

Oops she’s remembering a past

crash and dash

and a small little boom

things the elves are making,

scatter around the room

Her name is Sparkle she’s quite a sight

in the darkness or light

she sends out sparks, and sprinkles stars

whether  near or far

she knows what’s she doing, one can tell

she talks to an elf, she rings a bell

Santa is laughing a lot

What a magic angel who’s sought

year after year she flies in to help

So look real close and let out a yelp

Sparkle is here, and there and everywhere …

Crushing Candy Canes… ~ by Gabby Angel

The title doesn’t do this one justice! I think you had to be there to get the entire picture. We are on the the last week before Christmas, only a matter of days to go now. It is now crunch time for some and things have gotten a bit ugly. For some this means, bad tempers are showing because the stress they are bringing on themselves. Christmas should be a time of joy, not everyone going crazy!

Also, some of the kids are being affected, which does make me sad. I unfortunately witnessed one of these incidents for myself. Earlier today I went out to pick up a couple things from the local little market. Sounds so easy, doesn’t it? It should have been,  the market wasn’t crowded and I grabbed a shopping basket. I thought I heard a small commotion going on, but didn’t think much of it.

It is a very small local market here in my small town, kids live here after all. Hoping things would calm down, that maybe I wouldn’t be heading down that aisle. I really am naive, trouble seems to find me and I always seem to get involved. Autumn wasn’t with me, so it wasn’t a twin incident…But I sure do wish she had been with me.

I wandered over and picked up a small bag of oranges and on to the candy aisle for some candy canes. That’s when I realized where the commotion was taking place. Oh no, my nice neighbor and 2 of her young kids…They are good kids so I was stunned by what I saw. The usually well behaved little girl and boy were literally stomping on candy canes, while their poor Mom was trying to settle them down. I did help her get them under control, the store owner also appeared and he looked as surprised as me. The Mom went on to explain how stressed she was and trying to get everything done for the holiday, etc. The kids were overly wound up…Yeah, we kind of noticed! Anyway, it all worked out and by the time I got home I knew I would write this.

I know it usually gets wilder than usual this time of year, too and nothing should surprise me. It would be nice though if everyone could just relax and enjoy the season. I for one will not be venturing (I hope) into another store the rest of the week!

Letters to Santa… ~ By Gabby Angel

That’s the latest Christmas thought! I know what made me decide to write this one…Autumn and I were talking about this subject. Why you ask? Because the twinnies get on all kinds of subjects when chatting! I’m sure any who usually reads is aware of that, right? We really did get some laughs out of this one though.

So many memories of us twinnies writing letters to Santa as kids. Also, helping our little sisters write their letters. I really do need to ask any of you kind readers, who does remember writing their letters to Santa? Does anyone care to share? Oh, come on everyone…It will be fun! 🙂 How many of us downright lied about being so good all year long? 😉 That’s one thing that made Autumn and I laugh like crazy! Does anyone fess up that they were ever bad? 😉

Anyway, the other thought we chatted about was about is… Who was handing those letters to Santa over to Dad and Mom. Did you ever ask how they would get there? Or not asking how they would get there, just totally believing it would be mailed off to the North Pole? I remember Autumn and I insisting on seeing the envelope one year, Mom produced it! Oh, ye of little faith..No, she didn’t say that. 😉 Our Mom, as well as Dad were just always prepared it seems.

One year after the first  and then second little sister was born… And this I should be ashamed to tell.The twinnies seriously and boldly added in our letter to Santa…Please next time bring us a little brother. Oops, Santa couldn’t promise that one and next baby arriving at our house was a sister, too!

Anyway, this was a fun subject for Autumn and me . We both thought it would be fun to share some of our letters to Santa thoughts. You guessed it! I am asking again… Who among any kind readers would like to share? We twinnies as always would love to hear! 🙂 🙂

Christmas Movies…Some Good, Some Bad ~ By Gabby Angel

That’s what I just have to talk about today! Christmas time movies we all have seen. Watching one of my very own personal favorites last night…Well it made me once again ponder. I just know everyone has got to love at least one as their total favorite. Perhaps maybe love or even like a few…On the other hand, everyone’s got ones they just hate, and just very much detest. Some of  them are TV movies, some of them were on the big screen. Love them or hate them, everyone’s got an opinion right? What a cool idea for a blog that makes.
I will share some of my loves, likes and even dislikes. Autumn will of course offer up hers, too. Then, perhaps some of you kind readers will want to share…Just give it a thought maybe? Anyway, one of my favorites is Miracle on 34th Street. I know, there are a couple versions, but my personal fave is the one from the 1940’s. It is a movie we watched as a family over and over growing up. Once a year, without fail we would watch this one as well as a few others. By the way that is also one of Autumn’s faves.
 It’s a Wonderful Life…I like that one, who doesn’t? Well, actually I have heard a few people call it dark, a bit depressing. But it has a happy ending! Also, that one line that remains embedded in my mind. Every time a bell rings an angel gets it’s wings…I love that line! The Grinch That Stole Christmas, yuck…Didn’t like it as a kid and probably wouldn’t now either. I know, it’s a cartoon…The Grinch mended his ways. Sorry, I still didn’t ever like it and it made the twinnie and me cry as  young girls.
I liked most of the cartoon type movies, can’t think of any that made us twinnies cry anyway. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, the twinnies fave cartoon movie! Let’s not forget good old Charlie Brown, always a winner.Let’s see, A Christmas Carol was kind of not too warm and fuzzy but quite watchable and brought a very good message to us all. Everything worked out well, right. Who will forget the most recited line…God Bless Us Everyone! Another happy ending, my favorite kind. Twinnie loves Die Hard, she had and still perhaps still has a thing for Bruce Willis though. Elf…Not bad Autumn and I both liked it. Scrooged, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, well they are notable because I just didn’t care for them all that well. Either did Autumn I should add.
Well, seems I have been rambling about good and bad Christmas movies, cartoons and all. So many I have left out or forgotten, but maybe it’s for the best…I could no doubt go on for way too long!
Now, how about everybody jumping in? What is your personal favorite, or least favorite…We twinnies would as always love to hear what you think! 🙂 🙂

There’s magic in the air ~ by Autumn Sunshine

There is  magic in the air

look around if you want to share

in the delight of the season

I think there is a reason

That the magic shows

and also knows

that some of us believe still

we always will

so another year will fulfill

the earthly dreams

so it would seem

that enough still care

and still they dare

to say they do

hmmmm, it’s true

So close your eyes as with each wish

and picture your list

of this and that

and what you say

is I wish, if I may

and stand right there

and you never know for sure

how fast your dream will soar

Think of happy thoughts …