National Hug Holiday

It’s a very good day today, if you like hugs that is…If not, I am sorry if you don’t because clearly it’s not the holiday for you at all. It’s National Hug Holiday on this day of June 11th and it could be a very fun day! 🙂 You can go around hugging everyone you want to, within reason I mean. Don’t go getting all crazy hugging strangers and all please!

Another good reminder is not to go around hugging those people you just know are going to be cringing. It is sad, but some people do tend to react that way. So, we really must practice caution…We can’t have anyone freaking out and all. I bet there are some of you who just might see this as a holiday to go crazy, so do be careful and I mean it!

Even as tempting as it may be don’t approach strangers!  I’m kidding of course because nobody would be that silly, right? I mean, I certainly do hope not and do consider this your very kind and much-needed warning. Some people are really just not huggy people, I do know that and everybody is different so it’s OK. But, for all the rest of us it is a wonderful and fun day.

We can go around hugging friends, family and maybe spread some smiles and happiness with those hugs. Think of it as a nice gift to give out and it costs nothing, Yay! I have no idea what life would be like without hugs to share for me anyway. Autumn is the same way of course, we are among the group of huggy people. I believe with all my heart hugs are healthy and so wonderful to share, it lifts spirits and is a just happy thing.

I will literally be embracing this day, so will Autumn she says…So everyone of you kind readers considered yourselves hugged! 🙂 See, even virtual hugs can be awesome! Happy National Hug Holiday to you all and do enjoy today! 🙂 🙂

Quotes About Happiness

I was thinking about happiness and went looking for some good happiness quotes. It’s something that we really all do need to find for ourselves. It’s my honest belief that happiness has to come from within ourselves…If we aren’t happy, never will we be able to make anyone else happy. Also, the thought that only happiness can be reached by another person or persons handing it to us? That’s so not going to happen, that’s just the way it is in real life. Maybe I’m not saying it the right way, I’m sure the quotes speak better than I can. I hope you kind readers enjoy them! 🙂
1.Happiness is a continuation of happenings which are not resisted~Deepak Chopra
2.Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared~Buddha
3.Some cause happiness wherever they go; Others whenever they go~Oscar Wilde
4.The amount of happiness that you have depends on the amount of freedom you have in your heart~Tich Nhat Hanh
5.The basic thing is that everyone wants happiness, no one wants suffering. And happiness mainly comes from our own attitude, rather than from external factors. If your own mental attitude is correct, even if you remain in a hostile atmosphere, you feel happy~Dalai Lama
6.Happiness is a direction, not a place~Sydney J. Harris
7.Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for~Joseph Addison
8.Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony~Mahatma Gandi
9.You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life~Albert Camus
10.Every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness~Author Unknown
11.Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold, the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul~Democritus
12.All who would win joy, must share it; happiness was born a twin~Lord Byron

It’s Make Up Your Own Holiday Day!

Is everybody ready for this bizarre and unusual holiday? It’s a really good one…Today really is Make Up Your Own Holiday! It’s going to be a simply marvelous day for all of us, I just have that feeling! 🙂 Yay…Think of the possiblities, it’s kind of exciting, don’t you think? Don’t you all want to make up your holiday? I know I do, so does Autumn…She is having as hard of a time as I am. The problem is only choosing one thing for our own holiday! It’s a lot to think about, isn’t it?

I know this isn’t a day on the calendar…But just for today let’s pretend it is! March 26th is now a real and true holiday! We get to name it and even celebrate it if we want to. Who is with the Twinnies? Any ideas or thoughts yet…Come on kind readers you can do it! 🙂 By the time you finish reading this post I sure do hope you have some fun ideas for a holiday. 🙂 Here goes mine, my holiday will be “Let’s All Spread Some Peace, Love and Happiness Day”! I like it, I want my holiday to be something wonderful and very feel good and I am celebrating, too! I will spread all the peace, love and happiness with me everywhere I go, with everyone I see! Look out world I am ready for my holiday to begin! 🙂 All this entire day and woe to anyone who dares to bring bad vibes around me! 😉 It’s good vibes only, all the way and all day!!

Some of you may be wondering what Autumn’s holiday is “Magic is All Around Us Day”! Did anybody see that one coming? 😉 The Twinnie does love her magic as we all know. I am with her on this one, it’s a fun and happening day! Everything is magical and do let your imaginations just soar she says! 🙂 Autumn is ready, too to venture out there in the world and bring magic to all she meets up with! Is that a magic wand I see in that Twinnie’s hand? Why, yes it is…Go Autumn! 🙂 This really is quite exciting!

Wow, there you have our very own Make Up Your Own Holiday Days…Who is ready to share theirs? Come on kind readers, don’t let this day pass you by! Now is the time to join in the fun of it all…Make Up Your Own Holiday! We Twinnies will be waiting for your answers! 🙂 Just remember sharing is always fun and get ready, get set and go… name your holiday now begins! 🙂 🙂

March is International Mirth Month

I just discovered March is International Mirth Month! 🙂 How very exciting is that I ask you? It just is such a wonderful thing, I hope everybody will choose to celebrate Mirth. It’s kind of a strange sounding word, isn’t it? What does mirth mean exactly? I found 10 words to nicely sum up mirth: Happiness, Laughter, Enjoyment, Merry Making, Delight, Joyfulness, Fun, Glee, Hilarity, Amusement.

Wow, but mirth is sure right up my alley and Autumn’s, too! It calls to us Twinnies a lot, quite often it seems! 🙂 How many of you kind readers are with us? I just am loving this whole idea of a whole entire month of mirth so much…It is making me smile and also the Twinnie is smiling and soon we are laughing! 🙂 Who among us doesn’t want to celebrate such a glorious thing as mirth? I hope that would be nobody, because the opposite of mirth is gloom.

Of course we all unfortunately know some gloomy and unhappy people, we can always try to get them to embrace mirth, right? It can work…Sometimes, but other times it does backfire. They actually could try to drag us into their dreaded doom and gloom. Some people sadly want to be miserable and we just plain can’t change them. What a terrible thing, but we tried and sometimes very hard, too.

What do we do then for them? Well, say a little prayer for these people, but kind of distance ourselves. It may not sound very nice, but we have to. If we hang around them too long it might affect us…We just can’t have that. I know, it really is a disappointment but we have to live our lives for the better, not the worst!

So get ready to join in the fun and joyfulness of mirth kind readers…There really is nothing as awesome. Start with a smile, it will go on from there…Give it a try, go ahead everybody! 🙂 Pretty soon you will be spreading mirth everywhere you go, I know I am!

Autumn says let’s celebrate this fine month of mirth and it’s really is starting right now! 🙂 I found a quote concerning mirth and I just have to share it: ” Mirth is like a flash of lightning, that breaks through a gloom of clouds, and glitters for a moment; cheerfulness keeps up a kind of daylight in the mind, and fills it with a steady and perpetual serenity”~~Joseph Addison. He sure did write one lovely quote, didn’t he?

So there you have it kind readers, The Month of Mirth is here and let’s make the best of it! Share your thoughts if you would like, too because sharing really is fun and fun is mirth! 🙂 🙂

Quotes ~about Happiness~by Autumn Sunshine

On happiness …

“All I want is forever with you … always and always …”

“Connections and reflections … this is really real”

“How did I get so lucky this time around, I found you … I’m alive …”

“I am happy, smiling, dancing, twirling … all because of you …”

“I am happy…today is mine … I love you”

“Our hearts beating as one … that is happiness”

“Sleeping, smiling in your arms … you chase away the demons of the past …”

“Sunshine and smiles to you my love … you are my happiness”

“The ending will be for real … they lived happily ever after … and we will …”

“The stars shine down on us glittering their happiness …”

“Watching the sunrise, the sunset with you … it is all new”

“You are my happiness at the end of a very long tunnel of grief…”

“You bring out the fire and the spark in me; happiness begins with a smile …”

“You take my breath away … sweeping me on wings of wonder”