Happy Easter and Some Quotes, Too! :)

Autumn and I would like to wish every single one of you kind readers a Very Happy Easter! Please enjoy it and spend your time with family, friends and just have a Very Blessed Day in whatever way you choose to celebrate. Also, if anyone is having an Easter egg hunt…Have lots of  fun and good luck! May those Easter baskets hold everything you wished they would!  I have found a varied selection of quotes for Easter, so please do enjoy them. 🙂  Again, HAPPY EASTER~~Gabby and Autumn 🙂
1.Easter is a demonstration of God that life is essentially spirtual and timeless~Charles M. Crowe
2.On Easter Day the veil between time and eternity thins to gossamer~Douglas Horton
3.Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of a new life~S.D. Gordon
4.The story of Easter is the story of God’s wonderful window of divine surprise~Carl Knudsen
5.’Twas Easter Sunday. The full blossomed trees filled all the air with fragance and with joy~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
6.I think of the garden after the rain; And hope to my heart comes singing, “At morn the cherry blooms will be white, and the Easter bells be ringing!” Edna Dean Procter (Easter Bells)
7. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket~The Easter Bunny
8.I lied on my Weight Watcher’s list, I put down that I had 3 eggs…But they were Cadbury chocolate eggs~Caroline Rhea
9.My Mom used to say that Greek Easter is later because then you get the stuff cheaper~Amy Sedaris
10.An Easter bonnet can tame the wildest hare~The Easter Bunny