Standing together… ~By Autumn Sunshine

Neither way is right or wrong

just so that we are standing strong

People get so confused

and all they do is lose

It’s so easy to do

just stay true

and stand united don’t lose track

there’s nothing to lack

and don’t turn back

Yesterday is over, you see

all you have to be

is together where you belong

Along the way

and every day

it’s standing and watching the stars above

looking and laughing and being in love…

Believe in Magic ~By Autumn Sunshine

I believe in magic do you?

Just look around, it’s really true

A sprinkle of stardust

A dash of trust

the secret is in the mixing

and fixing

you see…

Add some love and it starts to shine

the magic is working, all is fine

the rest is adding a few things divine

slowly you’ll understand how it works

close your eyes, it’s just a quirk

of this and that

no, we don’t add wings of a bat

just follow my list and if you are lucky

you will spin around

just look what can be found

magic is here and there

and everywhere …

Many times ~ By Autumn Sunshine

So many times

so many rhymes

It’s always fine

I look into your eyes

and realize

you can see my soul …

you know me better than I do

it’s very true

I always knew

that someday, someway

I would find a man like you

one who knows my heart

you were part of me from the start

now we are rarely apart

in how we see the world  …

Life is good at last

changes are sometimes fast

I forget the past

It is time to move on for us

learning total trust

and just

surround ourselves with magic fairy dust,

living for today

many ways

that make magic seem so real

I can feel it, so let’s make a deal

and truly just feel

the zap of magic and love…

Sunset ~by Autumn Sunshine

Sitting on the beach

the stars are within our reach

We watch the setting sun

Another day is done

Waves crashing and dashing

along the shore

who  could ask for more?

The beauty of the sea

the love of you and me

the sun is setting in the west

tonight is just the best

Starlight surrounds

moonlight abounds

the heavens seem to smile

if only for awhile

I love this place

I love your face

My darling man, you are my future and my past

This love will always last

just like the waves of the ocean that we love

and the sunset up above …

I wonder … ~By Autumn Sunshine

I wonder off and on

if the shadows are all gone

and never to return

we have already learned

that love is what we need

and we finally did succeed

In finding the right path to walk

and having endless talks

Never staying silent long

it works to keep us strong

No more puzzles to unfold

or secrets that are not told

The mystery is solved at last

We just forget the past

We stand together on the shore

and know that we now have more

looking at the sea

We both can finally be


We have today

and all of our tomorrows, forever …

Our hearts know ~ By Autumn Sunshine

Our hearts do know

which way the wind blows

and how love shows

or how fast it grows

To those like us

We have so much trust

and just

don’t doubt our hearts

or ever fall apart

We just have faith in “us”

so we must

go along our own way

Together we shall stay

and wish that others may

have the belief in love

as the stars above

shine upon us all

we could see one fall,

so catch that falling star if you can

they have  been around since time began

There’s magic all around

just listen, you can hear the sound …

Just you ~ By Autumn Sunshine

Really only you

I absolutely know it’s true

Forever and a day

Things will stay this way

In a magic place

with only a trace

of yesterday


has begun

and we follow the sun

I love only you

I do

Just you and me …

We’re a lucky pair

and we do share

The good and the bad

mostly good is all we’ve had

take my hand and we will go

where the flowers grow

and we know

there is only love…

Our Memories ~ by Autumn Sunshine

Our memories of yesterday

were on our way, to stay, today

Now we are grown up and so it seems

it now means

We have learned a lot

the past cannot be bought

or sold, it’s true

We never knew

our future was ahead of us

lessons of trust

and now it’s just

All  making sense …

So as we dance into tomorrow

No more sorrow

and let’s not borrow

any trouble …

Yesterday is behind

we have begun to find

and to remind

each other this is love so strong

we belong

our lives have just begun …

Love and laughter ~ by Autumn Sunshine

My love and I are so in tune

laughing under another moon

as we sail into a new day

the love and smiling way

is just us, walking through life together


and we will never,

doubt this bond so deep

all the promises we keep

and the hours asleep

in each others arms

never an alarm

or fear, we are so near

to the dream of a lifetime,

as we are in rhyme

with the” US”  that is so strong

We belong

to each other for always..

blended into a you and me

and we are to be

For we will always see

the laughter and the love…

Lost in Love ~by Autumn Sunshine

We show, we grow we know

that wheels will turn

and bridges will burn

Knowing the pace

and winning our place

is the prize,

and to realize

that not all are as lucky as we are

we are following a lucky star

So we go along on our way

making each day

the best it can be

as we are free

and love is here, so near

and very dear

forevermore we have to see

that all we are today is the way it should be

Tomorrow awaits…