Daisies and Butterflies

A lovely surprise

daisies and butterflies

right before my eyes

such a lovely sight

in the sunlight

ever so bright

yellows and blues

all sorts of hues

greens and whites

butterflies in flight

they’re orange and brown

as they zip all around

fast as can be

from you to me

a cute little game

they’re so very tame

hello  you darling flutterbys

flying high

never try

to get too close to the candle, little friends

wishes we send

be safe and free

and we will see

you another day

this very May!


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The butterflies shine

They seem to sparkle and shine

all the time

the butterflies in the magic land

the part that stands

on it’s own

you should have known

they fly around

round and round

without a single sound

their wings are strong

and before too long

they circle and spin

and all sorts of  things

These butterflies are special you see

They live in the  land of starshine

magic abounds all over the place

wings like lace

so tiptoe along with me

the magic is here,  just how it should be …


Please visit my collection of poems and stories, quotes and blogs

Butterflies and flowers ~ by Autumn

Butterflies and flowers

and lightly raining showers

show the beauty all around

with hardly any sound

hiding under  a flower so tall

is a butterfly so very small

the sunshine is back

all is on track

the growing

and showing

also the knowing

that all is fine today

so you may fly away

little butterfly of blue

and so many others of every hue

fly so high

up in the sky

the flowers bid you goodbye

you may try

to follow the sun

the day has just begun …

Please visit my collection of poems and stories, quotes and blogs