What’s on your desk? by Gabby

It was a passing thought yet again. I seem to have plenty of those thoughts, don’t I? Well, I was looking around my desk. It got me wondering if I had all kinds of interesting things, what does everyone else have on their desk? The nice thing, I have a laptop now as my primary computer. I don’t always have to sit at my desk, I can wander to any room I choose. Yet, I still find myself mostly working from my desk. I also prefer to use a wireless mouse, I know some people do quite well without them, not me my friends!

Anyway, back to my desk…It’s a secretary desk and quite nice as desks go. I love all the kind of little slots and special compartments. They help me look so more organized, my desk doesn’t look too messy. All those nooks and crannies sure do come in very handy!

So, what’s on my desk? In sharing what’s on mine, I hope all of you kind readers might do the same. We can also get the low down on what’s on Autumn’s desk perhaps. That way we all be sharing. My desk is home to a nice lamp, a clock, a couple of candles that smell heavenly and an angel statue (they are all over my home, as are the clocks)! I have a cute little pot …The home of many pens and pencils. A picture of my husband Dave, of course…I glance at it often because memories are comforting and good. I have a spot for envelopes, tablets, stamps and all kinds of those type of things pretty well hidden in all those nice slots. I’m not sure if this is boring, wonder if my desk and it’s treasures are normal?

What do your desks look like? Are you organized, messy or a combination of both? Autumn is calling hers organized chaos, by the way! Her desk is the home of much the same as mine except with a different lamp, no candles and she has a lovely little jade elephant with its trunk pointing upwards. It’s from her darling man, it was very thoughtful of him…He wanted her to have a mascot of sorts! Last but not least, a picture of her darling man because her desk wouldn’t be complete without it! That about wraps up what’s on the Twinnies desks!

Who would like to share what is on theirs? Do you have some interesting or unusual things on your desk?  Come on, you are among friends…You can tell us! Remember, sharing really is fun! Of course inquiring Twinnies as always, would love to hear. 🙂 🙂

Love is … by Autumn

It’s patient and kind

love doesn’t mind

because there is always

some kind of rhyme

to find

So be still sometimes

and just think things through

you’ll find you already knew

the answer was there all the time

love will trust

it’s a must

love is true

never blue

love is me and you

love takes time to grow

so let your feelings show

you will know

when the time is right

it’s there, in plain sight

such a delight

love is all that’s true and pure

things you knew for sure

so be patient and kind

and Love, you will be just  fine …

Please visit my collection of poems and stories, quotes and blogs

Celebrated Foods for February by Gabby

This is an interesting food month! There are 8 different foods celebrated I found, seriously and sadly no drinks. For such a short month I find this very odd 8 different foods, well just go figure! January has 31 days and there were only 3 celebrated  food & drink, it is beyond my comprehension. Good thing I am reporting only the food facts. I wouldn’t begin to ponder how the number of celebrated foods change from month to month. Who decides the choices anyway?

Since there are 8 foods let’s get started with me telling you kind readers just what they are! It’s National Cherry Month, National Grapefruit Month, National Hot Breakfast Month. Those are the 3 that made it to “National Month”, the other 5 are only mere “celebrated foods”. In no particular order ( I always wanted to say that, it’s sounds so official and all!) 1. Avocado 2. Banana 3. Sweet Potato 4. Canned Food 5. Great American Pie. Wow, where to begin? As far as the “National Foods” go, Cherries are good and need to be celebrated! Very good fruit and versatile, too! Both us Twinnies say Yay to cherries. Same with the Hot Breakfast Idea, it’s a wonderful way to start your day! Do I always follow that rule? Speaking honestly no, but that’s what Carnation Instant Breakfast is for! The same goes for Autumn, along with her chai tea!

Grapefruit…I am sorry I detest grapefruit and so does Autumn. Anyone have any thoughts about the “National Foods”? Does anyone really like grapefruit? There has to be somebody who does, right? I wasn’t bashing grapefruit, by the way…Please do know that. Maybe you like it a lot… If so, please share!

The other “Celebrated Foods” of February, well I have to say Yuck to Avocados! The Twinnie echoed my thoughts, just in case you were wondering. I know, some of you kind readers probably love them. If so, please share! Bananas, good fruit and good for us. Both of the Twinnies love them! Thumbs up to Sweet Potatoes, too. Again, Autumn and I simply love sweet potatoes! Canned Food, I am sorry to be so down on the stuff…But it really isn’t very healthy or good tasting and some of it, just loaded with sodium! Autumn also does agree, by the way. Last but not least, in my book and the Twinnie’s we have Pie…Love it! Who doesn’t? If not, please do tell…What’s not to like?

So many flavors, so little  time…I have to say I couldn’t narrow a favorite pie choice down to just 1, either could Autumn. Wonder if we are alone on this one? Pumpkin, Apple, Cherry, Lemon Meringue, Blueberry, Chocolate Cream and I will stop at these 6 favorites of ours. Who has a favorite pie flavor, or like Autumn and me more than one? Do share, let us know please!  Well this was fun, now I am off to go have a small slice of pie! 😉 🙂

Look at the Magic ~by Autumn

Magic touches every branch

what a lovely chance

to see the shine and glow

everyone should know

that there is a real pretty show

of all sorts of lights in the air

in the forest that so many share

the magic beings, you guessed ?

They’re not like the rest,

all different you see

could be the pixies near that tree

or a fairy or elf or who really knows

Just look what they can do

light up the night

and it looks so right

glowing like this

Oh what bliss !


Please visit my collection of poems and stories, quotes and blogs

Valentine’s Day ~ by Gabby

It’s here, February 14th has arrived! It does that every single year and Valentine’s Day is here once again. How is everyone celebrating? Any plans or thoughts on the day? It is a day to celebrate love, so of course the Twinnie is on board with this one. Autumn is just glowing everyday with the love and she doesn’t need a special day. How do I feel on this day? As some of you kind readers already know…My husband Dave is in Heaven. Well, I am of course missing him as always but I do celebrate the day. Dave wouldn’t want me to spend the day being sad. I had a good many Valentine’s Days that are very cherished memories we spent together.

I won’t be sad, after all I do have two very special Valentines! Who are they? My two youngest and very special nephews, they make sure to give me a valentine and a special drawing and sometimes other little surprises. How sweet is that I ask? 🙂

When Autumn and I were young, but old enough to understand Valentines Day we learned how it was done! Our Dad gave us Valentine cards along with a little heart-shaped box filled with chocolates or some other little treat, right along with our Mom. 🙂 That is such a treasured memory, it started with Dad giving us twinnies the special Valentine gifts. It continued with each new sister that came along, too. Six sisters and Mom, Dad was handing out lots of special Valentines through the years!

Well, didn’t we all get a head start on what to expect from the boyfriends and husbands to come? Yes, we sure did and if they were slackers woe on to them! The either got a good talking to or…Yes, Autumn once dumped a boyfriend over the Valentine’s Day neglect. That Twinnie sure didn’t fool around…Thankfully she won’t have to worry this year with such things. Her darling man is quite the romantic and also a very nice guy, he asked me for hints over a month ago concerning special gift choices for her. 🙂 I know, Wow he is a keeper for the Twinnie! In case he didn’t give her the special gift, I just better keep his gift choice to myself. Maybe she will share with us though! 🙂

Well, how about you kind readers? Anyone care to share their plans or perhaps some thoughts? Sharing is always fun I say! Aso we twinnies are wishing all of you a very special and Happy Valentine’s Day!! 🙂 🙂

Happy Valentines Day to you, my Love ~ by Autumn

We celebrate our love today

and if I may

I have to say

we have it all, it’s true

we honestly do

have a love so strong

we’re right where we belong

So on this day

just look this way

my wish for us

is lots of trust

so many smiles

as we travel the miles

I wish so much more

and I’m very sure

you understand

my darling man

you are the best

I bet you guessed

you had me from hello …

it shows

and now we both know

our luck began that lovely day

we’re on our way

into forever …


Please visit my collection of poems and stories, quotes and blogs

Love Keeps Growing Everyday ~ by Autumn

We really show

how love can grow

for those who know

understand it, too

it’s very true

So I’m here to say

remember Everyday

that love sometimes needs help …

Don’t just blindly accept that all is fine

take the time

to make love last

look to the future not the past

hugs, kisses and smiles

together every mile

it helps to talk a lot

and laugh, that’s what sought

The music soars and with every note we hear

“Just be happy, never fear”

your path is good and true

that happens to just a few

that love is blessed

and we have guessed

That love really does grow every single day  …

Please visit my collection of poems and stories, quotes and blogs


Quotes About Kindness ~ by Gabby

I was thinking about kindness and started looking at quotes. I was pleasantly surprised at the good variety I found. Being kind isn’t so hard, it’s quite easy actually. Of course in my world I wish everyone would practice this every single day. It’s the same for Autumn, it honestly is. Wonder if we Twinnies are so unusual? I hope not, it’s a happier place when kindness is a way a life! 🙂 Think about it and please do read and enjoy the kindness quotes. 🙂

1.Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God‘s kindness; Kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile~~Mother Teresa

2.Forget injuries, never forget kindness~~Confucius

3.Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair but manifestations of strength and resolution~~Kahlil Gibran

4.Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle~~Plato

5.This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; The philosophy is kindness~~Dali Lama

6.Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can read~~Mark Twain

7.Kind hearts are the gardens, kind thoughts are the roots, kind words are the flowers, kind deeds are the fruits. Take care of your garden and keep out the weeds. Fill it with sunshine, kind words, kind deeds~~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

8.Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.~~Blaise Pascal

9.No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted.~~Aesop

10.A part of kindness consists in loving people more than they deserve~~Joseph Joubert

What Would You Do? by Gabby

It’s another one of my list of endless questions it seems,  and never do  they ever stop! 🙂 Anyway, here’s the question…If you had one day, all to yourself what would you do for fun? It has to be something fun, the only drawback you are stuck at home. So, the answer has to be something you do at home. Just pretend, it either snowed a whole lot, you were feeling not quite up to par and took a sick day off work. In case you live where it doesn’t snow, again just pretend you have a day off…BUT you can’t leave the house! Just think about it, you can’t do work from the office you brought home either! It has to be just for fun, no working allowed and I mean it. 😉

Your kids are in school or your nice spouse took them somewhere for the day. Your spouse is busy with the kids, or off working, so you will be all alone. One other rule, no you can’t chat with friends or anyone on the phone. No texting allowed either!  Why? Well, it is strictly your day! Do you cringe at the idea? Does it make you feel happy? The other rule, no housecleaning and that sort of thing either…After all, it has to be fun!

Can you entertain yourself for 8 hours or so without being bored? What would you be eating…Again, hopefully it’s something fun like takeout or ice cream! Why make it something healthy, it’s your free to indulge in any food whatever your little heart desires. What would I do? Well, probably read for awhile, maybe some computer time, no emailing people allowed during this time by the way. If texting is out so is emailing.

I might pop a DVD I’d been wanting to watch in. After I did reading, computer time and the movie, I would be listening to music. I would get old pictures out and have a stroll down memory lane. I would maybe do my nails and paint those fingernails and toenails some outrageous fun colors, too. For my food… I would order in some Pizza and also have some other snacks and ice cream. Maybe I would make a sundae out of the ice cream to liven it up while I was at it. See, my day is involving no people, no healthy food…Sounds like it was a relaxing day for me! No exercising? Well, maybe a 30 minute pilates, maybe a spin on my exercise bike…Because it’s very relaxing. That’s the exercise limit of the day only 30 minutes, if you hate exercising…You get to skip it all together! Yay for you! That was my whole day off to myself…What are Autumn’s day off plans  you may be wondering?

Here’s what the Twinnie would plan for day all to herself. She would read some or most of that book she hasn’t had time for. She says she would be listening to music, too. She says her food to order in would be takeout Chinese! Mix herself up a milkshake, have some snacks at hand, too. Other than that…the Twinnie says she would go with the flow and make that day to herself count! What about you kind readers? What are you going to do with that day off all to yourself? Please do share, it will be fun to see what you all have planned! 🙂 🙂

Lions in love … by Autumn

What a sight to see

the love that can be

in the wild so free

the lady and the lion

a happy sign

the lioness says it’s love for sure

as she looks so demure

the lion says it’s love for real

it’s the deal, with a happy seal

the lovely couple  smiles

they also have traveled some miles

so you see it’s true

they have said “I do”

as you can tell

the lion family is doing well

they smile and we can guess

they love the best

and as they go though life

they will be lion and wife 🙂

Please visit my collection of poems and stories, quotes and blogs
